Sunday, May 10, 2020
The Character of Oedipus in Oedipus and The Infernal Machine
The Character of Oedipus in Oedipus and The Infernal Machine The stories of Oedipus, as told through Senecas Oedipus and Cocteaus The Infernal Machine, contain both similarites and differences. Both authors portray the character of Oedipus as being obstinate, ignorant, and inquisitive. Yet Seneca and Cocteau differ on their interpretation of the motives that propelled these characteristics of Oedipus. Seneca portrays Oedipus as a mature man who, in seeing the troubles of the plague that has descended upon Thebes, feels true sorrow for his dying people and wishes to cure his moribund city. On the other hand, Cocteaus Oedipus is a pretentious, immature, and overweening young adult who seeks to indulge himself in the fast and†¦show more content†¦that I killed the King so that I could marry her. Cocteau, Infernal Machine, p.90 In this quote, so too is Cocteaus Oedipus seemingly blind to the virtually obvious, choosing instead to believe Tiresiass wishes in admitting Oedipuss horrible deeds, were only to seize control of the throne. Jocasta and Creon also try to warn Oedipus of the impending truth, but it is to no avail, as Oedipus will not heed their pleas. Contrary to one another, are Seneca and Cocteaus views on Oedipuss reasons for being so pertinacious in his search for the killer of Laius. Senecas Oedipus, a stately, old, and sage man, is committed to his role as king. But under the present circumstances, in which a horrible plague ravages Thebes, Oedipus with all his human powers a nd abilities, is not able to provide assistance. Only can he pray that somehow it might all go away. And yet I posed my riddle. Next, a shriek- and her impatient claws ripped at the rock and not my entrails. But that tangled mess, her dark enigma, I solved nonetheless. Sen. Oed. 10 In his encounter with the Sphinx, Oedipus bravely faces the beast and answers the riddle that had been indecipherable for so many other men. He arrived in Thebes a true hero, was welcome as their king, and subsequently commenced his benevolent rule. Cocteaus Oedipus, on the other hand, is a much more immature and haughty character. And while Senecas Oedipuss persistence stemmed from his wish to save the citizens of hisShow MoreRelated Sophocles Oedipus the King and Cocteaus The Infernal Machine1440 Words  | 6 PagesSophocles Oedipus the King and Cocteaus The Infernal Machine    Sophocles Oedipus the King and Cocteaus The Infernal Machine relate the same story, yet from quite different angles. Sophocles play is written in heightened language and spends 1,530 lines on an hour of time. On the other hand, Cocteaus characters speak colloquially, and his 96 pages cover 17 years, putting much more emphasis on the events prior to where Sophocles begins his play. Sophocles and Cocteau present Oedipus characterRead More Comparing The Infernal Machine and Oedipus Rex Essay1443 Words  | 6 PagesComparing The Infernal Machine and Oedipus Rex (the King)    The myth of Oedipus’s incest and parricide has been retold many different times. The basic story line has remained the same. Oedipus leaves Corinth to try to escape a fate of incest and parricide. After he leaving the city, he ends up saving Thebes from the Sphinx, becoming king of the city and in the process fulfilling the prophecy. The character of Oedipus changes in each play to help support a different meaning to the entire mythRead MoreThe, The Infernal Machine, And Ubu Roi By Alfred Jarry1609 Words  | 7 Pagesdiscussed in class, Antigone by Jean Anouilh, The Infernal Machine by Jean Cocteau, and Ubu Roi by Alfred Jarry, there is a prodigious depiction of female characters and power that come in numerous ways. In The Infernal Machine there are female characters, such as Jocasta and the Sphinx, who show power and authority. Likewise, in â€Å"Antigone,†characters, such as Antigone and her sister, Ismene, also show power and supremacy. In Ubu Roi, the main character that showed power through rule was Mere Ubu.
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