Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Argument against Megan McArdles Article
Contention against Megan McArdles Article The article Tenure: An Idea Whose Time Has Gone by Megan McArdle contends that the residency framework, which is utilized by numerous schools in the nation, has little legitimacy and ought to consequently be discarded. The writer, who is a holder of a MBA from the University of Chicago, is knowledgeable with how the framework works.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on Argument against Megan McArdle’s Article explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More She contends that the residency framework is an old framework that ensures occupations after a concise trial procedure to college and school mentors whose commitment in the establishment is once in a while negligible. I can't help contradicting the cases made by McArdle that the tenor framework is inefficient and has outlasted its helpfulness. In this paper, I will feature the focuses made by the creator which I don't concur with and continue to help my remain on the issue in order to exhibit that th e residency framework is as yet applicable today. McArdle contends that residency brings about an absence of responsibility since once residency has been acquired; the should be serious in instructing is evacuated since there is an occupation ensure. She further shows that educators who get residency are at freedom to enjoy their scholarly advantages and this negatively affects the understudies under their charge since the teacher commits the majority of his opportunity to his inclinations. This announcement by McArdle is a speculation which may not really be valid for all tenured staff. The facts confirm that a few educators become really excited by their scholarly interests and contribute little information to their understudies, yet this are the minority. Larger part of the tenured educators include their understudies in their scholarly interests as understudy research colleagues and help to encourage the information on the students.Advertising Looking for exposition on training? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More I feel that McArdle presents a deficient contention when she states that the nature of grant delivered because of residency is just significant to a bunch of researchers in a similar field. McArdle implies that exploration and grant ought to have a wide purchaser base in order to be viewed as important. The truth of the matter is that many tenured faculty in colleges are specialists in quite certain fields. While their examination work can have applications that are significant for all people, their exploration works and distributions must be comprehended by researchers who are equipped in the specific field. The way that solitary a bunch of researchers can value the exploration along these lines doesn't reduce the estimation of the work done by the tenured staff as the creator proposes. McArdle additionally expresses that residency is an inefficient framework since the expenses of keeping up t he framework are high. While the facts confirm that residency framework has a high money related cost, the scholarly establishments which utilize the framework do so enthusiastically on the grounds that they see its favorable circumstances. Residency empowers scholarly organizations to draw in and hold the most splendid personalities that would some way or another be pulled by the enormous compensation that private part enterprises offer. While there are different methods for pulling in top notch psyches to instructive foundations, this implies are over the top expensive since they require adequate budgetary motivating forces to contend with the private ventures. The framework additionally makes the tenured staff faithful to the establishment on account of the employer stability they have. McArdle likewise contends that a large portion of the researchers who are secured by the residency framework are old scholastics who are not creating any advantageous examination. The writer prono unces that the individuals ensured by residency are old (in their sixties) and not delivering any notable new research.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on Argument against Megan McArdle’s Article explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More She hence contends that the youngsters who are fit for concocting pivotal exploration are denied the residency that would help them to work with relative opportunity. This announcement is deluding since in the first place, the creator recognizes that most scholastics get residency between the age of 30 and 40 years. At this age, the scholastics can deliver way breaking new exploration that can have numerous positive effects on the general public. McArdle questions the academic fitness of the people who obtain residency. She expresses that residency brings about clumsy guides being kept up by the establishment despite their terrible showings. I can't help contradicting this view since residency is given to indi viduals from staff who show solid scholastic capacities and a profound promise to their subjects. This is obvious from the tough necessities for residency, for example, getting distributed in a sound diary. In numerous colleges and schools, there is a thorough strategy for recognizing possibility for residency which guarantees nature of grant. McArdle herself concedes that the stakes for residency have been raised and workers are confirmed cautiously before being given residency. Researchers who are awkward are in this manner liable to be recognized and expelled from the residency track. McArdle states that while the residency framework should safeguard the soul of free request at our countries school, it isn't satisfying this reason since the residency procedure evacuates radical components and rather offers residency to those scholastics who demonstrate academic responsibility to the division. This supposition that isn't right since residency is offered to scholastics on merit and not because of their loyalties to the department.Advertising Searching for exposition on training? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More From the earliest starting point, the residency framework was made to guarantee singular security and improve a more liberated mentally inventive climate by shielding equipped staff from excusal and lessening their responsibility to the organization. In this paper, I set out to contend that the contentions given in the article â€Å"Tenure: An Idea Whose Time Has Gone by Megan McArdle aren't right since they neglect to completely light up the point. I started by noticing that while the writer is in a place of power to compose regarding the matter, she neglects to make a solid contention for her body of evidence against the residency framework. Through this paper, I have given my perspectives on the subject and protected the residency framework. The residency framework despite everything stays to be one of the methods by which scholarly opportunity can be safeguarded in our instructive establishments. This framework which has been in existent for a considerable length of time is sign ificant and its reality ought to be ensured. McArdle, Megan. â€Å"Tenure: An Idea whose time has gone†. The Atlantic. 21 July 2010. Web. https://www.theatlantic.com/business/chronicle/2010/07/residency a thought whose-time-has-gone/60187/.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Immorality and its Impact in Unwind free essay sample
Loosen up, a tragic novel composed by Neal Shusterman, addresses many concerning matters on the planet today and within a reasonable time-frame. An obtrusive topic that is passed on all through the novel is the constantly present requirement for organ gifts. The significance of organs in our general public and that of Unwind, is appeared through the results because of an inadequacy of organs, the indecent methods of achieving organs, and the stunning understanding of society concerning improper activities. In a period where innovation is at its generally progressed,  people still kick the bucket each day because of the absence of organ gifts. Organ benefactors are an irregularity in reality as we know it where save organs are required. This is a featured issue in Unwind, where an entire arrangement of organ gift against the desire of the giver has been conceived. The way toward loosening up uses all aspects of the body thus surrendering your life. Loosening up is a furthest point in this cutting edge world, yet it addresses the issue of the requirement for organs. We see in Unwind that organ gift turned out to be such a major emergency, that a common war was the result (refer to). The individuals were stuck between choosing sides; one their own, and the one the side of equity. The nation of the United States of America in Unwind have managed the issue of organ gift, they settled on the choice to organize lives. In our general public in any case, there exists no such procedure of socially adequate constrained organ gift or generosity. This issue has not yet added up to a national concern level and therefore we can say there isn't yet an answer. The lives of those looking out for organ transplants are lost each day as the administration doesn't give their circumstance enough significance. In spite of the fact that the individuals of the world we live in today pick the way that is ethically right, this doesn't change the people’s edginess to accomplish organs or make a benefit. Both the general public in Unwind and our general public have comparative needs with regards to organ gifts. Our administration doesn't go to such extraordinary measures as loosening up or intense organ gift. Our general public illegally does nonetheless. An additional organ could mean crucial for some individuals. Since clinics don't have huge supplies and are delayed to circulate them, numerous needing save organs get them unlawfully (refer to). Underground markets furnish individuals with what they need, yet at an expense to other people. Numerous organs found on the bootleg market are taken unlawfully from the giver. Just as of late a man in Mexico was medicated in the wake of entering a bar with his better half. While accepting a standard examination from his PCP, he found that he was feeling the loss of a kidney (refer to). The individuals in both our general public and in that of Unwind are aware of their indecent choices. In Unwind, guardians enthusiastically surrender their children’s lives to decrease the worry in their own. They settle on the choice between their wellbeing and that of their children. It isn't just the guardians that turn in kids to be loosened up. In the start of his excursion, Connor has a run in with a trucker. The trucker tricks him saying, â€Å"There are truckers who’ll take whatever you offer, at that point turn you in at any rate (14). †This shows there are individuals sufficiently edgy to deliver honest kids with the regrettable support of making a benefit. In spite of the fact that we are just indicated that truck drivers turn in kids who come to them, it is normal information that world consistently has bootleg trades. In this oppressed world, illicit organs must be a more prominent concern and issue, as the lives of adolescents are not esteemed so a lot and the terms heartless and unethical are near nonexistent. In today’s day, loosening up would be viewed as inadmissible. Anyway this is simply because the requirement for organs has not yet heightened to what it did in Unwind, which is a common war. Utilizing models from the novel Unwind and from the previous history of our reality, one can demonstrate the adage, â€Å"Desperate times call for urgent measures†. Society has an incredible versatility with regards to submitting what are viewed as improprieties. We see the likenesses between our general public and that of the novel’s through the abuse of others and the deserting of kids. At the point when individuals arrive at a specific degree of misery, they decide on progressively uncaring arrangements. In Unwind, this is apparent not just through loosening up itself and its entire procedure, yet in addition through storking. â€Å"She thinks about ringing the chime and running, yet she understands that would not be a smart thought. In the event that they get her, she’s obliged to keep the infant. †These are the idea of a young lady who is forsaking her infant on a stranger’s doorstep, a young lady who is storking her infant. In spite of the fact that this appears to be suspicious and loathsome, today is like alternatives there are for surrendering a child. Halfway houses show a similar attitude as storking. (Certainty and refer to) The surrender of infants is something that we have been accomplishing for quite a long time, exaggerating the life of the mother from than that of the child. This fair shows the issue concerning organ gift is one that must be fathomed before it arrives at new statures. The activities of individuals in edgy circumstances can be capricious, pitiless and ethically off-base. Bondage is likewise something that the entire of society took an interest in. All of society acknowledged the catch of a whole race when it came to benefitting from it. This equivalent attitude applies to the Second World War. The individuals banned numerous races and religions, never disapproving of the way that those were individuals as well. Who is to state that when organ gift turns into a national or universal concern, that society won't respond insensitively or harshly? Neal Shusterman addresses a very concerning issue in today’s world through his novel Unwind. He indicated the significance that organ gift has for our general public and the incredible need we have of it. Through the aftereffects of an absence of organs, the lengths that individuals will go to, to achieve an organ and the troubling similarity that society has with regards to acting heartlessly and improperly, the two social orders of today’s world and that of a tragic show that there have relating needs concerning the serious issue of organ gift.
Sunday, August 2, 2020
Losing Weight and Saving Money
Losing Weight and Saving Money Losing Weight and Saving Money Losing Weight and Saving MoneySaving money and losing weight are two of the biggest challenges a person can face. And they definitely tie into each other. Fatty, fast foods are often the cheapest and quickest options available.And gym memberships? Don’t even get us started. Are those weights made out of diamonds? Are the treadmills lined with gold? Do the showers spray fresh beluga caviar?As difficult as it may be, it is indeed possible to lose weight while saving money. And living a healthier life can be more affordable in the long run. That’s why we spoke to The Experts to find out the best ways to keep your body and wallet in tip top shape.Plan your menuYou barely have time to do one job. How are you supposed to become your own private chef? But cooking for yourself can actually save you time in the long run! As registered dietitian Kim Melton told us:“Plan your menu, make a list of groceries according to what healthy recipes you chose for meals and snacks for a week and st ick to your plan. Not only does this save you time because it means you have everything on hand and dont have to make any surprise trips to the grocery store, but it saves you money as well. You are less tempted to eat unhealthy foods when you think about what youre eating and cooking. Another suggestion would be to download a meal tracking app on your phone. These apps are usually free. We often eat more than we think and this will help you to be more aware of how much youre actually eating throughout the day and will keep you on track with your specific calorie/energy needs.â€And you can use that phone to listen to food-themed music or podcasts as you cook. Or whatever it is you like to listen to.Making your own food at home also means you won’t have to eat out, which isn’t only expensive, but tends to be less healthy.“A study published last year in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics discovered that the average restaurant meal contains between 1,205 and 1 ,496 calories,†Dr. Apovian, director of the Nutrition and Weight Management Center at the Boston Medical Center, told us. “This applies to both chain and independent restaurants. The only way you can be certain of what you are consuming is to prepare your meals at home. You’ll save money too!â€Drink more waterYou’re already paying for water, so you might as well drink it. And Dr. Apovian recommends it: “Drinking water keeps the metabolism running, helps us to feel full throughout the day, encourages us to eat less at meals without deprivation, and saves you money you would have spent on other beverages.â€And water isn’t the only liquid you can drink to lose weight and save money. Dr. Apovian suggests trying out a smoothie lunch with whey and casein protein.Don’t forget to sleepLosing weight isn’t just about what you do while you’re awake. It’s also important to try and get a good night’s sleep. But don’t take our word for it. Here’s what best-selling nut rition author Yuri Elkaim had to say:“Consistent, high-quality sleep is the most underestimated aid to help you lose weight without exercise, hands down. It starts with establishing a regular sleep schedule; go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning. Your natural daily rhythm (known as your circadian rhythm) is probably the most important determinant of the health of your hormones and your body’s ability to lose weight and keep it off. If you get that all out of whack, you can kill yourself in the gym and eat green salads and grilled chicken breasts all you want, but none of it will help you lose weight. Seven to nine hours every night is what you’re aiming for. About seven and a half is the magic number for me.â€Try alternative exerciseAs we said earlier, joining a gym tends to come with some pretty outrageous fees. But there are a lot of other options out there to burn calories.Melton suggests turning to apps and the internet rather than gym memberships. Or as she puts it: “I recommend certain apps that can help them track their food, portion size and calorie level such as MyFitnessPal. This app will allow certain calories based on personal information you enter into the app. Also, there are several good home workouts that you can access on YouTube if you have internet. Many of these exercises use body weight or very simple dumbbells, resistance bands or similar inexpensive equipment. The workouts are free and all can be done in the privacy of your home without the expensive gym membership.â€You can even move those muscles without leaving your chair (though you should also leave your chair). Elkaim offers this unique tip: “The next time you sit down to eat, try priming your body to receive those nutrients by contracting your muscles for 30 seconds. You’ll feel heat generating in your body, which means your muscles are generating heat as a by-product. Your breathing will also increase. It may feel silly , but you’re essentially producing some of the same effects you’d experience during a workout. We know that the biggest meal of your day should come after your workout, and that’s because exercising makes your muscle cells open up like a flower to the sun. This is exactly when you want to give them the nutrients they need. Eating at any other time of the day increases the likelihood that the nutrients you’re taking in will be stored elsewhere in your body, like in your fat cells. You don’t want that, so prevent it by turning your muscles on before each meal; you’ll decrease the potential damage of whatever you’re sitting down to eat.â€Even if you are willing to spend some money on your exercise routine, there are still far cheaper options than a monthly gym membership. Fitness expert Amie Hoff created one such option, called the FitKit, that she sees as the perfect affordable gym replacement:“I created FitKit to offer people an affordable workout solution, a way to lose weight and get in shape without the pricey gym fees. As a personal trainer based in NYC, I work one on one with clients which can be costly, so there are a ton of free resources that come with the FitKit: a 6-week workout and nutrition plan, workout videos, 24/7 email access to our trainers and dietitians to ask any questions. Its like having me as a personal trainer without the hefty price tag! Working out, losing weight and staying fit also make you more productive, which in turn allows you to work harder, get ahead and ultimately make more money.â€FitKit costs $39.99, which is what you’ll pay for just one month at a lot of hoity toity fancy gyms.There’s no magic bulletAt the end of the day, there’s no one solution to losing weight and saving money. That’s why you have to focus on multiple methods. And it’s all the better if you can work multiple methods into single activities. That’s why health and wellness expert Audrey Christie told us you should “make sur e the things you do serve double duty.“For example, if your errands are within a 10-mile radius, ride your bike… this burns calories and saves on gas plus wear and tear on your ride. Gardening provides you with fresh veggies and calories. There are lots of double duty things you can do.â€Christie says these tips have helped her and her clients drop many pounds without losing too much money, which, if they were British, would also be called pounds.Take all of the tips listed here to heart, and you too can lose weight while saving money. It may not always be easy, but if it’s important to you, the results will be worth it. You’ll feel more fit, and you’ll have money to pay your bills so you don’t end up in a bad credit situation.Visit OppLoans on YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedINContributorsDr. Caroline Apovian has worked in weight loss and nutrition for over 25 years. She currently serves as Director of the Nutrition and Weight Management Center at the Boston Me dical Center, a professor of medicine at the Boston University School of Medicine, and vice president of The Obesity Society. She lives in Boston, MA.Audrey Christie (@Audrey_C_Mcl) is a holistic wellness practitioner that helps to empower her clients to wellness. Her richly developed background and training includes Registered Nurse, Reiki Master, Certified Clinical Master of Aromatherapy, Yoga Teacher, Homeopathics and Epigenetics. She draws on all of this (plus infinite universal knowledge) to work with her clients via one-on-one sessions or group classes and courses. Recently Audrey has began sharing her how her lifestyle allows for major financial savings too.Yuri Elkaim (@yelkaim) is a fitness and fat loss expert, holistic nutritionist, and NYT bestselling author of The All-Day Energy Diet and the All-Day Fat Burning Diet. A former professional player turned health crusader, he’s most famous for boosting your energy and helping you burn fat and get lean faster by training s marter, not harder, and eating healthy foods that actually taste great. Hes on a mission to transform the lives of more than 10 million people by 2018. Visit yurielkaim.com for more clear, science-backed advice that makes fit and healthy simple again.Amie Hoff is an internationally recognized fitness expert, dedicated to improving the lives of people everywhere. As a personal trainer, media contributor and public speaker, Amie thrives as a motivator and role model, sharing her expert fitness and health knowledge around the globe.Kim Melton (@NutritionPro_1) is a consulting and media Registered Dietitian specializing in health, fitness and weight management. She has a passion for teaching others how to implement sound nutrition and healthy lifestyle principles into their lives. Check out her website nutritionproconsulting.com for recipes and articles that can help you reach your health goals!
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Analysis Of Nathaniel Hawthorne s `` Young Goodman Brown...
When observing patterns of American literature, it’s often that one can see authors ahead of their times, condemning ideals and values that they deem unfair or distorted. These authors and the themes they write on serve as something along the lines of â€Å"moral purifiers†of their time, illustrating their intent for a change in their respective eras and cultures. In three particular short stories, namely Nathaniel Hawthorne’s â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†, â€Å"A New England Nun†by Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, and lastly Charlotte Gilman’s â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†, each individual author speaks out against the established norms of their time in search for moral change. In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s short story, â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†, he addresses the value of the intense religious culture of that early American time period and the hypocrisy that often went along with it by examining motifs of true faith and self-scrutiny. The symbolism in Hawthorne’s story isn’t meant to be subtle in the slightest whether it’s the wife of the eponymous character, a woman aptly named Faith, or the â€Å"mysterious†hooded man in black who leads him down a dark path, which can be easily inferred to be the Devil if one takes a look at it. Literary analyst Thomas Walsh explains, â€Å"For an understanding of what happens to Goodman Brown the reader should be conscious of three sets of symbols: first, Faith, Brown s wife, represents religious faith and faith in mankind; second, Brown s journey into the forest represents anShow MoreRelatedANALIZ TEXT INTERPRETATION AND ANALYSIS28843 Words  | 116 Pagesï » ¿TEXT INTERPRETAT ION AND ANALYSIS The purpose of Text Interpretation and Analysis is a literary and linguistic commentary in which the reader explains what the text reveals under close examination. Any literary work is unique. It is created by the author in accordance with his vision and is permeated with his idea of the world. The reader’s interpretation is also highly individual and depends to a great extent on his knowledge and personal experience. That’s why one cannot lay down a fixed â€Å"modelâ€
Sunday, May 10, 2020
The Character of Oedipus in Oedipus and The Infernal Machine
The Character of Oedipus in Oedipus and The Infernal Machine The stories of Oedipus, as told through Senecas Oedipus and Cocteaus The Infernal Machine, contain both similarites and differences. Both authors portray the character of Oedipus as being obstinate, ignorant, and inquisitive. Yet Seneca and Cocteau differ on their interpretation of the motives that propelled these characteristics of Oedipus. Seneca portrays Oedipus as a mature man who, in seeing the troubles of the plague that has descended upon Thebes, feels true sorrow for his dying people and wishes to cure his moribund city. On the other hand, Cocteaus Oedipus is a pretentious, immature, and overweening young adult who seeks to indulge himself in the fast and†¦show more content†¦that I killed the King so that I could marry her. Cocteau, Infernal Machine, p.90 In this quote, so too is Cocteaus Oedipus seemingly blind to the virtually obvious, choosing instead to believe Tiresiass wishes in admitting Oedipuss horrible deeds, were only to seize control of the throne. Jocasta and Creon also try to warn Oedipus of the impending truth, but it is to no avail, as Oedipus will not heed their pleas. Contrary to one another, are Seneca and Cocteaus views on Oedipuss reasons for being so pertinacious in his search for the killer of Laius. Senecas Oedipus, a stately, old, and sage man, is committed to his role as king. But under the present circumstances, in which a horrible plague ravages Thebes, Oedipus with all his human powers a nd abilities, is not able to provide assistance. Only can he pray that somehow it might all go away. And yet I posed my riddle. Next, a shriek- and her impatient claws ripped at the rock and not my entrails. But that tangled mess, her dark enigma, I solved nonetheless. Sen. Oed. 10 In his encounter with the Sphinx, Oedipus bravely faces the beast and answers the riddle that had been indecipherable for so many other men. He arrived in Thebes a true hero, was welcome as their king, and subsequently commenced his benevolent rule. Cocteaus Oedipus, on the other hand, is a much more immature and haughty character. And while Senecas Oedipuss persistence stemmed from his wish to save the citizens of hisShow MoreRelated Sophocles Oedipus the King and Cocteaus The Infernal Machine1440 Words  | 6 PagesSophocles Oedipus the King and Cocteaus The Infernal Machine    Sophocles Oedipus the King and Cocteaus The Infernal Machine relate the same story, yet from quite different angles. Sophocles play is written in heightened language and spends 1,530 lines on an hour of time. On the other hand, Cocteaus characters speak colloquially, and his 96 pages cover 17 years, putting much more emphasis on the events prior to where Sophocles begins his play. Sophocles and Cocteau present Oedipus characterRead More Comparing The Infernal Machine and Oedipus Rex Essay1443 Words  | 6 PagesComparing The Infernal Machine and Oedipus Rex (the King)    The myth of Oedipus’s incest and parricide has been retold many different times. The basic story line has remained the same. Oedipus leaves Corinth to try to escape a fate of incest and parricide. After he leaving the city, he ends up saving Thebes from the Sphinx, becoming king of the city and in the process fulfilling the prophecy. The character of Oedipus changes in each play to help support a different meaning to the entire mythRead MoreThe, The Infernal Machine, And Ubu Roi By Alfred Jarry1609 Words  | 7 Pagesdiscussed in class, Antigone by Jean Anouilh, The Infernal Machine by Jean Cocteau, and Ubu Roi by Alfred Jarry, there is a prodigious depiction of female characters and power that come in numerous ways. In The Infernal Machine there are female characters, such as Jocasta and the Sphinx, who show power and authority. Likewise, in â€Å"Antigone,†characters, such as Antigone and her sister, Ismene, also show power and supremacy. In Ubu Roi, the main character that showed power through rule was Mere Ubu.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Nen perfoming loan in banks Free Essays
string(115) " to get the defaulted borrowers’ to conduct interview with them to know their likely causes of loan default\." Banks exist to provide financial Intermediation services while at the same time endeavor to maximize profit share holders value. Availing credit to borrowers is one means by which banks maximize their profit. Loans are the dominant asset represent 50-75 percent of total amount of most banks, generate the largest share of operating Income represent the banks greater risk exposure (Mac Donald Koch, 2006). We will write a custom essay sample on Nen perfoming loan in banks or any similar topic only for you Order Now Managing loan in a proper way is not only has a positive effect on the banks performance but on borrowers firms and the country as a whole. Failure to manage moans, which make up the largest share of banks assets, would likely lead to the episode of high level of NP. According to MIFF (MIFF, 2009), a non performing loan is any loan which interest and principal payments are more than 90 days over due ; or more than 90 days worth of interest has been refinanced. Under the Ethiopians banking business directives (N.B., 2008), non performing loans are defined as â€Å"Loans and Advances whose credit quality has deteriorated such that full collection of principal and/or interest in accordance with the contractual repayment of term loans or advances in question†. Theoretically, there are so many reasons why loans fail to perform. Some of this includes, depressed economic conditions, high real Interest rate, Inflation, lenient terms of credit, high credit growth risk appetite and poor credit monitoring are among the others. Forestall (2002) categorize non performing loans to bank specific and macro economic conditions. Accordingly, this study is focused on assessing factors that contributed for nonperforming loans of Awash International Bank mainly targeting on bank specific determinants of non performing loans. 1. 2 Statement of the problem An efficient and well functioning of financial sector is essential for the development of any economy. Loan qualities are one of the indicators of financial sectors soundness. A sound financial system among other things requires maintenance of low non performing loans. In Ethiopians context. The banks In the country are required to maintain ratio of their non performing loans below five percent (N.B., 2008). The data obtained from the 2011/12 2012/13 annual progress report of BIB shows that the ratio of non performing loan of the bank was below the threshold for both years. Despite the fact, the non performing loan of the bank was Increased from Birr 98 million in 201 1/12 to Birr 1 77 million in 2012/13, showing an increments of Birr 108. 9 million (104%). Similarly, the bank’s non performing loan ratio was increased from 1. 9% to 2. 8% during the same period. Even, this ratio was above ten percent in some branches of BIB. This fact raises the issue of what causes this non performing loan Increment. Accordingly, two research questions were drawn to investigate this Issue. What does the tends of loans and NP looks like in BIB? Defaulted? What are the main causes for these defaulted loans? 3 Objectives of the Study The general objective of the study is to review the non performing loan of BIB and to identify its causes. Side by side, the study was assessed the following issues. Reviewed Loans NP trends of BIB? 0 Indemnify which loan category, loan purpose economic sectors more defaulted. Searched the main causes of NP in BIB in general identify those branches that were highly contributed for this NP. Assessed the credit assessment follow up practice of other commercial banks. 0 Recommended some remedial actions to be taken to reduce these non performing loans. 1. 4. Methodology Research Design: A sample survey was carried out to seek the characteristics of defaulted loan files and to identify likely causes for their loan default. Survey Population: 25- Branches were recorded NP as of June 30, 2013, comprising about 74 defaulted loan files. Sampling Design: Using random sampling method, seventeen branches and 43 defaulted loan files were taken for this study purpose. Table 1. 1: NP Recorded Branches Profile Branches Total NP recorded branches Sampled NP Branches % GE Responded branches Total NP files Sampled NP files % city 119 829 31 21 68 outlying 148 578 432251 Total 25 176017744358 Data Sources: To achieve the stated objective, both primary and secondary data were utilized. The primary data was collected by interviewing Selected Alba’s Credit Directorate staffs, Compliance Risk Management Department staffs that are on supervisory position. Questionnaires were also distributed to selected branches incurred loan default. Secondary data was utilized from various documents of BIB, mainly from Annual progress report of BIB, credit policies procedures of the bank, NP action plan report and other related documents. Various published and unpublished literatures were also utilized from different sources grading the subject. Data Analysis Presentation: After collection, the data was organized, analyzed interpreted using both quantitative qualitative descriptive analysis methods mainly tables, percentages, charts etc. 1. 5 Scope Limitations of the study Scope of the study The study was reviewed factors that contributed for non performing loan of BIB and it was focus on bank specific determinants of non performing loan. The spectrum of the study, therefore, includes: Examinations of loans NP of BIB by loan category individual economic sectors. – An in depth analysis of the loan file characteristics of the defaulted rowers with special reference to their likely causes for their loan default. – An in depth analysis Credit analysis follow up practice of BIB with special reference to identification of their limitations that contributed for the banks non performing loans. – Suggestions of relevant non performing loan reduction strategies based on The respondents were busy and usually uncooperative. Particularly, some branch managers were unwilling to fill the questionnaire by themselves and order other officers to fill the questionnaire. As a result, the researcher had called phone many times to branches before getting a fulfilled questionnaire. In addition it was difficult to obtain some of the required data’s from credit directorates since some of the data’s were not compiled properly and regularly. Similarly, it was difficult to get the defaulted borrowers’ to conduct interview with them to know their likely causes of loan default. You read "Nen perfoming loan in banks" in category "Papers" Accordingly, the researcher was forced to see the likely causes of their loan default from the analysis of their loan files and interview conducted with staff members. Despite this limitation, the result of the research provided a meaningful basis for filling the gap and made recommendations that can be used by the management to improve performance of loan portfolio in BIB. 2. Literature Review 2. 1 Theoretical Review of Non- Performing Loans Loans and advances are the most profitable of all the assets of a bank. These assets constitute the primary source of income by banks. As a business institution, a bank aims at making a huge profit. Since loans and advances are more profitable than any other assets, it is willing to lend as much of its funds as possible. But banks have to be careful about the safety of such advances. In the words of Dry. Leaf, the banker â€Å"has to tamper liberty with caution. If he is too liberal, he may easily impair his profits by bad debts, and if he is too timed, he may fail to obtain an adequate return on the funds which are confided to him for use. It is by his capacity in lending that a bank manager is Judged. A bank needs to be careful in giving loans as there is a greater risk which follows it in a situation where the loan defaults. Loan loss or defaulted loans puts a bank in a difficult situation especially when they are in greatest amount. Banks gives loans with uncertainty whether they are returned or not though they may hold some security. In assessing any proposal for n advance or a loan, the banker has to satisfy himself/herself regarding the period for which the advance is required and the prospects of its repayment at the end of the period. He/she should not be carried away by the soundness of the security offered to him/her or the rate of interest. Profitability should be given only a sound consideration. He/she should also satisfy himself [herself about the purpose for which the advance is required. He/she is expected to discriminate against and discourage speculative advances. As a matter of fact most bank failures may be traced to faulty policies in respect of loans and advances. From the point of safety and liquidity, loan and advances are poor assets. The risk mostly ensues when loans become non- performing. Allocating loans has always been one of the central pillars of the banking business. Traditionally this marked the start of a long term relationship with the client, which would continue at least until the maturity of the loan. With the growth of deposits, banks are supposed to increase the lending. However, when Non-performing Loans (Naps) are high, the willingness to expand loan reduces. This relationship will be distorted under high NP condition. In any lending recess, there is inherent risk of loans being defaulted which leads to the concept of non- performing loans. The concept of non-performing loans has been defined in performing loans are defined as defaulted loans which banks are unable to profit from. They are loans which cannot be recovered within stipulated time that is governed by the laws of a country. The criterion for identifying non performing loans also varies in Africa. Some countries use quantitative criteria to distinguish between â€Å"good†and â€Å"bad†loans (e. G. , number of days of overdue schedule payments), while others rely on qualitative arms (such as the availability of information about the client’s financial status, and perspectives about future payments). However, the Basel II Commission emphasizes the need to evolve toward a standardized and internal rating-based approach. Accordingly, the Basel committee puts non performing loans as loans left unpaid for a period of 90 days. Under the Ethiopians banking business directive, non-performing loans are defined as â€Å"loans or advances whose credit quality has deteriorated such that full collection of principal and/or interest in accordance with the contractual payment terms of the loan or advances in question†It further provides that: . moans or advances with pre established repayment programs are nonperforming when principal and/ or interest is due and uncollected for 90 (ninety) consecutive days or more beyond the scheduled payment date or maturity. In addition to the above mentioned category of non- performing loans, the following are also considered as non- performing. Overdrafts and loans or advances that do not have re-established repayment program shall be non-performing when: – The debt remains outstanding for 90 (ninety) consecutive days or more beyond the scheduled payment date or maturity; – The debt exceeds the borrower’s approved limit for 90 (ninety) consecutive days or more; – Interest is due and uncollected for 90 (ninety) consecutive days and more; or – For the overdrafts, (I) the account has been inactive for 90 (ninety) consecutive days or deposits are insufficient to cover the interest capitalized during 90 (ninety) consecutive days or (it) the account fails to show the following debit balance at least once over 360 days preceding the date of loan review: 1 . 20% of approved limit or less 2. 5 % or less This is in accordance with the Basel rules. If a loan is past due 90 consecutive days, it will be regarded as non- performing. The criteria used in Ethiopians banking business to identify non- performing loan is a quantitative criteria based on the number of days passed from loan being due. 2. 2 Classification of Loans Advances The National bank of Ethiopia supervision of banking directives classifies loans and advances as follows. Pass loan: loans and advances in this category are fully protected by the current financial and paying capacity of borrower and are not subject to criticism. In general loans and advances, which are fully secured both as to ironical interest by cash or cash substitutes are classified under this category regardless of past due status or other adverse credit factor. Special Mention: Any loan or advance past due 30 days or more, but less than 90 days is classified under this category. Substandard: Non performing loans or advances past due 90 days or more but less than 180 days is classified under this category. Doubtful: Non classified as doubtful. Loss: Non performing loans or advances past due 360 is classified as loss. As per the directive the provision for impairment losses is determined as follows Loan Category Pass loan Mention Extent of provision required 1% of outstanding loan balances Special 3% of outstanding loan balances Substandard 20% of the net loan balance Doubtful balance Loss Non-performing Loans 65% of the net loan 100% of net loan balance 2. 3 Causes of Default culture is not a new dimension in the arena of investment. Rather in the present economic structure, it is an established culture. The redundancy of unusual happening becomes so frequent that it seems people prefer to be declared as defaulters. Basically, the non- performing loans are a result of the compromise of the objectivity of credit appraisal and assessment. The problem is aggravated by the weakness in the accounting, disclosure and grant of additional loans. In the assessment of the status of current loans, the borrower’s credit worthiness and the market value of collateral are not taken into account thereby rendering it difficult to spot bad loans. The causes for loan default vary in different countries. It extends from borrower’s specific act to banks weak regulatory mechanism in advancing loans and monitoring procedures. Generally, in developing and underdeveloped countries, the reasons for default have a multi dimensional aspect. Various researchers have concluded various reasons for loan default. A. Reduced Attention to Borrowers Few of the loan defaults that make trouble for banks can be blamed on reduced attention to borrowers. Borrowers give better attention to the loans that they borrowed when they have the perception that better attention is given to them. Lending officers of institutions should try to keep up with their loans, visiting the borrower’s premises at least once a year or up to a half a dozen times a year on larger loans. Banks rarely lose money solely because the initial decision to lend was wrong. Even where there are greater risks that the banks recognize, they only cause a loss after giving a warning sign. More banks lose money because they do not monitor their borrower’s property, and fail to recognize warning signs early enough. When banks fail to give due attention to the borrowers and what they are doing with the money, then they will fail to see the risk of loss. The objective of supervising a loan is to verify, first, whether the basis on which the lending decision was taken continues to hold good. And second whether the loan funds are being properly utilized for the purpose they were granted. . Macroeconomic Instability Macroeconomic stability and banking soundness are inexorably linked. Both economic theory and empirical evidence strongly indicate that instability in the macro economy is associated with instability in banking and financial markets and instability in these sectors is associated with instability in the macro economy. Most problems of poor loan quality faced by banks were compounded by macroeconomic rate also makes loan appraisal more difficult for the bank, because the viability of potential borrowers depends upon unpredictable development in the overall rate of inflation, its individual components, exchange rates and interest rates. Moreover, asset prices are also likely to be highly volatile under such conditions. Hence, the future real value of loan security is also very uncertain. Banks do poorly both when product and asset price inflation accelerate unexpectedly and when inflation decelerates unexpectedly, unemployment increases, and/or aggregate output and income decline unexpectedly. Unexpected accelerations in inflation adversely affect banks that, on average, lend longer term at fixed-rates than they borrow because nominal interest rates will rise more than expected. This will increase their cost of deposits more than their revenues from loans. Decelerations in inflation and, in particular, bursting of asset prices harm banks because the value of their asset collateral is likely to decline below the value of the associated loans and fuel defaults and losses. Indeed, probably the greatest threat to banking stability in almost all countries is increasing asset price. C. Unsound Assessment Mechanism and Weak Risk Consciousness Risk, and the ways, in which it can be identified, quantified and minimized, is key concerns for a banks management and its auditors when they are engendering the need to provide for bad and doubtful loans. No loan is entirely without risk. Every loan, no matter how well it is secured, and no matter who is the borrower, has the potential to generate loss for the lender. It is the degree of risk to which a loan is susceptible and the probability of loss that vary; these should normally be reflected in the interest margin and other terms set at the inception of the loan. A bank, in considering whether to lend or not, takes into account the quality of a borrower which is reflected in, inter alai, its past and projected profit reference, the strength of its balance sheet (for example, capital and liquidity) the nature of and market for its product, economic and political conditions in the country in which it is based, the quality and stability of its management and its general reputation and standing. It is important for the bank to know the purpose of the loan, to assess its validity and to determine how the funds required for the payment of interest and the repayment of capital will be regenerated. D. Lack of Strict Admittance policies and no active exit Under the influence of idea of pursuing market share excessively, banks do not establish detailed and strict market admittance policies, which undermine the first risk to prevent gate and weaken the orientation effect of admittance policies to market. During pre-loan investigation, some relationship managers put little emphasis on authenticity and integrally review on related materials. They haven’t clarified the true intended usage of the loan (especially when extending short-termed credit) and the review is too optimistic, which does not analyze the potential influence of changes in related factors. There is also no deep review on the market, no enough understanding on enterprises’ operation management situation, no horrors risk revaluation; inaccurate assessment, the risk of loans is not fully covered and the risk on group customers and affiliated enterprises are not identified effectively. The factors above damage the loans at the early stage. 2. Debt Recovery Processes interest comprises a banks principal source of revenue, and therefore, of profit. Accordingly, from a banks perspective it is essential that its borrowers keep their contractual commitments and repay interest and capital as scheduled. Defaults are inevitable, but when they occur a bank should take appropriate remedial action, or ailing that, recover the outstanding interest and capital promptly. Ethiopians Banks adopt different ways of recovering non- performing loans. These methods are one or the combination of the following: Settlement – This engages both the lender and the borrower in negotiation to settle through collection of cash. Reschedule/Renewal – this method is used whenever a bank believes that the Naps can be regulated in favorable terms and conditions through negotiation (term loans) and renewals (overdrafts). This is not without limitation. National Bank Directive No. SUB/43/2008 states a bank shall not reschedule restructure or negotiate worth or medium term loan to a borrower for more than three periods. Before rescheduling, restructuring or renegotiating a short or a medium term loan, a bank shall collect in cash full amount of interest thereof and the following principal amounts: a. A minimum of 25% of outstanding principal balance in case of rescheduling, restructuring or renegotiating for the second time. How to cite Nen perfoming loan in banks, Papers
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Learning English as a Second Language for Chinese Students
Learning English as a second language, students should pay much attention to the relationship between environment and language as these factors are very important. Students should learn not only the language itself, but pay much attention to the history of the country, its customs and values.Advertising We will write a custom article sample on Learning English as a Second Language for Chinese Students specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This paper is aimed at Chinese students who have just got down to learning English as a second language. These students should know the pitfalls and the difficulties they are going to face. Those who have never learnt another language are not really aware of the situation they are going to face with. Another language is not just a collection of the symbols which should be arranged in an appropriate order, it is another culture which may be understood only when collaboration is observed. Only working t ogether, only trying to understand the main idea of the American and British nature Chinese students will get the main idea of the language, will be able to learn it. Communication and cooperation with native speakers is exactly what is meant. Students should understand that they have great opportunity to cooperate with native speakers either in the centers or in other particular places, such as social networks, etc. Therefore, it may be concluded that cooperation and the opportunity to speak with the native speakers are really important factors for becoming a good learner. This essay is created for those who have just begun to study English as a second language as they are to know the peculiarities of the learning process and the difficulties they are to overcome in the future to succeed. Works Cited Facebook. Facebook.com. 2011. Web. Love, Tim. What is culture? 2008. Yomiury: Media Kit. Web. This article on Learning English as a Second Language for Chinese Students was written and submitted by user Jayda Leach to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Taylor McCauslin Essays (1297 words) - Anna Quindlen, 9, Free Essays
Taylor McCauslin Essays (1297 words) - Anna Quindlen, 9, Free Essays Taylor McCauslin Nick Lakostik English 1100 3 October 2015 The Dynamic Meaning of Happiness Anna Quindlen evaluates the average American and their need for consumption in her op-ed; "Stuff is Not Salvation." She discusses the impact of various roles given to people in society on how Americans views' on possessions has changed over the years. She uses real life experiences to drive home the point that Americans are losing focus of what matters. Overall, Quindlen's view that "stuff is not salvation," could not have a more true relation to modern American ideals. I wholeheartedly agree that Americans today have a very misaligned sense of priorities with unimportant materials somehow taking control of the priority list for way too many people. Quindlen uses the high need for "real things" as a response to the apparent need Americans seem to have for buying various items. She later states that when a consumer gives in to their urge to buy items, it shadows the importance of needs that are much more severe and widespread. Quindlen then makes it known that, "For the first time this month, the number of people on food stamps will exceed the 30 million mark. Hard times offer the opportunity to ask hard questions, and one of them is the one my friend asked, staring at sweaters and shoes: why did we buy all this stuff?" (par. 8-9). This is a fantastic argument. I admit to being guilty of asking myself this same question multiple times over. The sad part is that I didn't realize it was junk until I was staring at a collection of unused items in my closet, none of which have been used in more than a year. I wanted them so badly at the time that I actually thought I needed them. By feeding the urge, I in turn let thoughts of important matters fall to the background. Almost every paycheck, I believe that I am going to spend a certain amount on charity. More often than not, I don't. I end up spending it on items instead. This societal want has already gotten out of hand. In the process of turning our heads towards what we want, we turn our heads away from what others need. Quindlen also explains that Americans' need for possessions has been on a rising trend for years. She views the changing technological times as part of the reason behind this growth. We see this when Quindlen explains, "I suspect television advertising, which made me want a Chatty Cathy doll so much as a kid that when I saw her under the tree my head almost exploded" (par. 4). That's the essential goal of advertising these days. Advertisers are paid to make people want something and to make them want to go out and buy it. These advertisers are getting increasingly better at their jobs as well. I often find myself being drawn into infomercials late at night and wanting everything I see so badly. An example is when I was up late watching an infomercial for a fishing hook. I wanted it so badly, but I don't even fish. In fact, I hate fishing. It's all just a game to big companies. They bait consumers with whatever they can. But it's up to us to decide whether or not we bite. We see advertisements so often in our daily lives that it starts to become part of our normal environment to see faces smiling and endorsing a product on practically every surface. They are included in any and every media outlet. However, why don't we see more advertising for the things people truly need? With the exception of the occasional ASPCA or UNICEF commercial, we rarely see anything highlighting the suffering of others. It's because we don't like to. It makes people uncomfortable. But we can't make a change until we become so uncomfortable with something that we can't stand it anymore. Nobody can deny media is the most powerful method of communication in modern society. Thus, we urgently need to change the way media portrays its content in order to change the world. Readers later view Quindlen's stance that in the process of the increasing need for valuable things related to livelihood, people are
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
European Countries Ranked by Area
European Countries Ranked by Area The continent of Europe varies in latitude from places such as Greece, which is in the range of about 35 degrees north to 39 degrees north latitude, to Iceland, which ranges from around 64 degrees north to more than 66 degrees north. Because of the difference in latitudes, Europe has varying climates and topography. Regardless, it has been inhabited for about 2 million years. It consists of only about 1/15th of the worlds land, but the contiguous continent has about 24,000 square miles (38,000 sq km) of coastline. Stats Europe is made up of 46 countries that range in size from some of the largest in the world (Russia) to some of the smallest (Vatican City, Monaco). The population of Europe is about 742 million (United Nations 2017 Population Division figure), and for a landmass of about 3.9 million square miles (10.1 sq km), it has a density of 187.7 people per square mile. By Area, Largest to Smallest The following is a list of the countries of Europe arranged by area. Various sources may differ in size of a countrys area due to rounding, whether the original figure is in kilometers or miles, and whether the sources include overseas territories. Figures here come from the CIA World Factbook, which presents figures in square kilometers; they have been converted and rounded to the nearest number. Russia: 6,601,668 square miles (17,098,242 sq km)Turkey: 302,535 square miles (783,562 sq km)Ukraine: 233,032 square miles (603,550 sq km)France: 212,935 square miles (551,500 sq km); 248,457 square miles (643,501 square km) including overseas regionsSpain: 195,124 square miles (505,370 sq km)Sweden: 173,860 square miles (450,295 sq km)Germany: 137,847 square miles (357,022 sq km)Finland: 130,559 square miles (338,145 sq km)Norway: 125,021 square miles (323,802 sq km)Poland: 120,728 square miles (312,685 sq km)Italy: 116,305 square miles (301,340 sq km)United Kingdom: 94,058 square miles (243,610 sq km), includes Rockall and Shetland IslandsRomania: 92,043 square miles (238,391 sq km)Belarus: 80,155 square miles (207,600 sq km)Greece: 50,949 square miles (131,957 sq km)Bulgaria: 42,811 square miles (110,879 sq km)Iceland: 39,768 square miles (103,000 sq km)Hungary: 35,918 square miles (93,028 sq km)Portugal: 35,556 square miles (92,090 sq km)Austri a: 32,382 square miles (83,871 sq km)Czech Republic: 30,451 square miles (78,867 sq km) Serbia: 29,913 square miles (77,474 sq km)Ireland: 27,133 square miles (70,273 sq km)Lithuania: 25,212 square miles (65,300 sq km)Latvia: 24,937 square miles (64,589 sq km)Croatia: 21,851 square miles (56,594 sq km)Bosnia and Herzegovina: 19,767 square miles (51,197 sq km)Slovakia: 18,932 square miles (49,035 sq km)Estonia: 17,462 square miles (45,228 sq km)Denmark: 16,638 square miles (43,094 sq km)Netherlands: 16,040 square miles (41,543 sq km)Switzerland: 15,937 square miles (41,277 sq km)Moldova: 13,070 square miles (33,851 sq km)Belgium: 11,786 square miles (30,528 sq km)Albania: 11,099 square miles (28,748 sq km)Macedonia: 9,928 square miles (25,713 sq km)Slovenia: 7,827 square miles (20,273 sq km)Montenegro: 5,333 sq miles (13,812 sq km)Cyprus: 3,571 square miles (9,251 sq km)Luxembourg: 998 square miles (2,586 sq km)Andorra: 181 square miles (468 sq km)Malta: 122 square miles (316 sq km)Liechtenstein: 62 square miles (160 sq km)San Marino: 23 square miles (61 sq km)Monaco: 0.77 square miles (2 sq km) Vatican City: 0.17 square miles (0.44 sq km)
Monday, February 17, 2020
Talent Practices at the Home Depot Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Talent Practices at the Home Depot - Essay Example Therefore the only manner in which the company can truly differentiate itself is through its service standards. Employees are key to offering customers with the highest levels of service. Home Depot is aware of this fact and therefore uses its employees to gain competitive advantage over its rivals in all the different countries that it operates in. In order to gain competitive advantage through its employees, the company communicates the strategic importance of them to the company (Burke & Cooper, 2004). The performance levels that are expected of them are constantly communicated to them and they are provided with ongoing training to help them to update their knowledge and upgrade their skills, based on the area of the business the work in, whether it is on the shop floor or the office (Adamson, 2006). However since the company has to differentiate itself from its rivals in a highly competitive market, the company pays special attention to employees on the shop floor, who are the first line of contract with the customers and hence the most able to make a difference. Since this is the 'do it yourself' industry, the best employees are those who can help customers in their 'do it yourself' projects. ... refore when recruiting individuals to work on the floor in the retail outlets the company always looks for individuals who have an interest in 'do it yourself' projects (Clarke & Layman, 2004). The company gives priority to individuals who have specialist trades knowledge in areas such as plumbing, wood work, crafts, painting etc. Further individuals who are home owners themselves and have embarked on many different 'do it yourself' projects at home and have the necessary experience to help a customer are given priority. This is not to say that the company does not employ teenagers, high school and college kids. The company does recruit many such individuals but does so only if they have some interest in gardening or home maintenance or areas specific to electronics and home appliances. Therefore the company appeals to the above segments through various means such as trade schools for individuals who have specialist knowledge in such areas, these individuals not only work on the shop floor and as independent contractors for Home Depot but they also deliver work shops in areas such as gardening, wiring, tiling, etc. Next the company also uses the Internet through its website and also job sites such as Workopolis to recruit individuals. Another channel used by the store is in-store advertising for associates during high seasons, and walk in interviews. Discuss the critical programs used by Home Depot to keep talent in their pipeline. The company works with many different trade and vocational schools and builds relationships with these schools to gain access to their graduates, thus having a pipeline of qualified candidates to work for the company as independent contractors. Likewise all individuals who apply for positions within the company but are not successful at
Monday, February 3, 2020
Syria Revolution Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Syria Revolution - Research Paper Example The Syrian uprising compared to the Tunisian and Egyptian revolutions was grounded on the revolt of peasants, a Sunni periphery protest against the regime of Baath that turned its back on the Syrian local population, (Hinnebusch 12). Later on, the uprising took on diverse dimensions with Muslim Brotherhoods – Jihadists – entering into the conflict because of the heretical aspects of the regime and due to its alliance with Iran Shiites and Hezbollah. Consequently, because of Jihad, various demonstrators from across the Arabic and Islamic world have emerged in Syria, although, the slogan of Jihad did not trigger Syrians to enter into the uprising. Another dimension that emerged during the uprising is revenge, basing from the extreme violent efforts from the regime to halt the protest waves. According to experts, the brutality of the reign acted to extend the circle of the protestors involved in the uprising, (Starr 41). A number of people who later joined the protest were encouraged by the desire to avenge their family member, friends, and relatives’ bloodshed, and destruction of their properties, cities, and settlements by the forces of the regime during the uprising. ... Similarly, the regime appeared to have neglected the periphery and the local populations. In the start of 2006, the Syrians faced a tremendous and acute drought and the Jazira location in the south and northeastern part of the nation experienced such as Hawran and Dara experienced the extreme destruction. This is because such regions were extremely affected the new economic policies of the government that sought to alter the Syrian economy character from a socialist to a social market oriented economy, (Phares 74). These policies intended to open the nation to the global economy, foster foreign investment and create activity in the local and private spheres to promote growth of economy and allow the regime to bear the economic and domestic limitations. The policies too enabled economic growth to allow the nation to overcome other challenges such as rapid population growth, infrastructural underdevelopment, overdependence of agriculture, and lack of technological industry. Assad suppo rted the new policy and overlooked the significance of the socialist party ideology of Baath, its networking and institutions in the local region. Assad response and effects of the uprising Assad responded to the revolution and protest by providing reforms and ordering the military to calm the uprisings. Various clashed have occurred in Hama, Homs and other places, however, bombings and demonstrations have started occurring in Aleppo and Damascus. Syrian protests have proved their staying power irrespective of the various deaths and substantial joint efforts to suppress the protest, daily demonstrations have continued. Similarly, the longer the
Sunday, January 26, 2020
The international evidence base for healthcare commissioning
The international evidence base for healthcare commissioning According to the Department of Health (2006) healthcare commissioning is more than just procurement of services. Effective commissioning is about care that adds maximum value for patients in a system that promotes fairness, inclusion and respect from all the sections of the society. The following essay focuses on the international evidence base for healthcare commissioning, explaining the healthcare commissioning of Finland, Sweden, Europe, New Zealand, Arizona and United States and the challenges for healthcare commissioning within the context of economic recession and the ways in which these challenges might be addressed. The fundamental aims of healthcare commissioning includes service improvement, decreasing costs wherever feasible, better patient outcomes, and NHS priorities should be taken into account for all commissioning activities (InPharm, 2010). The cycle of commissioning is fragmented into 3 segments: Strategic planning (the beginning of the cycle), procuring services and monitoring and evaluation. Various NHS tools for supporting the PCTs are available like Better Care Better Value indicators, NHS indicators etc. By restructuring the patient pathway at the first time, we improve clinical quality, decrease expensive readmissions, better staff and patient satisfaction and in turn generate savings which can be used for various services (Peskett, 2009). After the NHS reforms in England, the PCT were considered as the main commissioners of healthcare (Peskett, 2009).. In addition to the NHS providers and NHS Foundation Trusts (FTs), the independent and third sectors were also considered as the main healthcare commissioners. The Operating Framework (Department of Health, 2007a) of 2008/2009 focused mainly on world class commissioning which defines the commissioners skills and competencies for commissioning healthcare successfully from a variety of providers. According to Ham (2009) market like mechanisms has been applied to the health reforms in England. In the emerging market it will be of critical importance for the commissioners of care to manage equivalent with the providers. The government has laid down plans for establishing world class commissioning but evidence shows that commissioning is not done consistently in any of the systems. World class commissioning if developed might not be successful because of lack of potential in absence of other modifications in the making of reforms like payment modes and autonomous providers. An alternative to this would be to develop competing integrated systems. World class commissioning (WCC) is metamorphosing the means through which services are commissioned, resulting in improved health consequences and reducing health inequalities adding life to years and years to life (NHS: Department of Health, 2009). The Department of Health along with the NHS launched WCC in December 2007 which aims to d evelop World class commissioners of NHS-funded services. The NHS in England had designed a 10 year program of reform to handle long standing weaknesses in performance which they are halfway through (Ham, 2008). The commissioners of care play a critical role in negotiating similar terms with providers and use the resources efficiently for improving the health and performance of health services. In the early 1990s commissioning was a weak link in the internal market and it is risky if the history is repeated again. Many countries worldwide have drawn attention towards healthcare commissioning for bringing reforms. The traditional systems which have integrated financing and planning of healthcare (eg the UK, New Zealand and Sweden) have experienced the detachment of commissioning from provision since the early 1990s. The roles of insurers and providers have been strengthened due to traditional partition like Germany, Netherlands and US. Experience of commissioning in Europe: (Ham, 2008) It was found that commissioning in Europe had substantial diversity in context to organization that do purchasing. The type of organization like the central or regional government, municipalities that can act as purchaser, market concentrations and the way of interaction differs from country to country. Variations are also observed in their funding sources and jurisdictions. The function of the purchasers was merely carried out in the challenging surrounding despite of the tangled European health policy debates because of the market based reforms. Figureas and colleagues stressed that a fundamental lesson from European experience is that a broad systems approach for purchasing and various components are required by policy makers. Experience of commissioning in Finland: The Healthcare Commissioning system in Finland is micro level, non-competitive and within the local government (Benson, 2011). For an average of 11,000 populations there are about 448 municipal councils which are responsible for purchasing. Each of these 448 councils is valid for a period of 4 years and an executive board is appointed which leads to democratic linkage between the citizens and health commissioners. The councils are authorized to commission secondary or tertiary services of their choice themselves or by merging with other councils. Experience of commissioning in Sweden: The Swedish healthcare system comprises of 3 levels of government: the central government, county councils and municipalities (The Commonwealth Fund, 2010). The local government is responsible for the ways in which services are delivered considering the local conditions and precedence whereas the central government accounts for the overall goals and regulations of the healthcare system. Thus at local level the delivery system varies because of this decentralization. The central and local taxation is held responsible for public funding of healthcare services. The financing of prescription drug subsidies is provided by the central government. It also provides funding by grants apportioned using a risk adjusted capitation pattern to county councils and municipalities. Financing of primary and mental healthcare and specialist services is provided by the 21 county councils whereas home care and services and nursing home care services are provided by the 289 municipalities. The private sector covers about 5% of the population and it provides easy access to care for patients. The 21 county councils are responsible for the organization of primary care services. For residents within a devoted geographical area, the primary care is provided by the health centers. But there have been significant changes in the model and now the residents can choose their provider and physician. A new law holding an alternative for the population and primary care privatization has been implemented from January 2010. The various modes for payment of private primary care providers are taxation, topped up with fee-for-service and targeted payments. The residents can now directly go to the hospitals or the private specialists. Experience of commissioning in New Zealand: There was a separation of purchaser and provider roles in New Zealands healthcare system from 1993 to 2000 (Ham, 2008). From a recent study both the positive and negative side of purchasing and contracting in New Zealand were highlighted. The drawback was that it was difficult to co-relate providers performance and negotiate contracts because of insufficient data on cost, volume and quality. An antagonistic environment was appreciated because of legalistic approach to contracting. It was difficult to sustain long term contracts or conjunctive relationships because the competition law concerns were not even whereas on the positive side because of purchasing the purchasers and providers focused more on costs and volumes of services and specified the categories and levels of services supplied. According to the providers written contracts would encourage them to focus on improvement of quality of care. Ashton and colleagues have summarized the New Zealand healthcare as: contracting has amended the providers direction on costs and volumes, increased the clarity of services and greater emphasis on methods for improving quality. New Zealands healthcare faces the challenge whether the profit of contracting maintained with simultaneously declining the transaction costs. Experience of commissioning in United States: In United States, indemnity insurance was used for financing and delivery of healthcare (Ham, 2008). Patients selected their providers and the providers charged the insurers by paying fees for services. Hence the patient had a flexible choice and the providers prevailed. Because of increase in healthcare managed care approach was developed in the US in the 1980s and 1990s which was based on the funding authority playing a significant role as commissioners. Evidence suggests that managed care temporarily curbed the increasing healthcare costs in the US. But managed care led to fee-for-service providers. In spite of the evidence, a reinvention movement known as consumer directed healthcare movement took place in the health insurance industry. Experience of commissioning in Arizona: The healthcare commissioning system in Arizona (USA) known as Arizona Healthcare Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) was launched in 1982 (Benson, 2011). Arizona had two tier arrangements: AHCCCS covers about million Medicare and Medicaid from a number of purchasers. The purchasers are liable to commission health services operationally for 35,000 to 200,000 people known as members or lives and they purchase services from various providers. In order to sustain the contract or win, the AHCCCS has to produce detailed bids every 5 years and not all the health plans covered under AHCCCS are for profit organizations. The Department of Healths (2007d) recently published documents suggests that the world class commissioners will (Peskett, 2009): Run the NHS locally Function along with the community partners Both patient and public involvement will be there Merge with clinicians Organize and assess knowledge and needs respectively Accelerate the market Enhance innovation and improvement Draw upon some sound financial investment Supervise the local health system One of the ways of addressing one end of the spectrum is PBC which challenges the PCTs for having the proper governance arrangements and bringing awareness about absolute clarity between responsibilities and boundaries. CHALLENGES FOR HEALTHCARE COMMISSIONING: According to Le Grand (1999), commissioning problems were due to very weak incentives and very strong constraints (NHS CONFEDERATION, 2010). History says that commissioning had failed in the internal market in the 1990s and hence there is risk if repeated again (Ham 2008). Weak commissioning is because of the tendency to focus less on PCTs and PBC and giving importance to national, specialized and joint commissioning. Healthcare commissioning has become weak because of the following reasons: In publicly financed systems purchasing of health services is quite difficult Inability to control the referrals and activity of GPs in general Insufficient power against the number of providers, especially the Foundation Trusts (FTs) for shaping the market Curtailment of clinical engagement and base for decisions related to healthcare commissioning Lack of ability to comprehend an issue and perform in analysis of requirement and demand, managing budget, risk taking etc. There is hardly any evidence which suggests that commissioning has made a symbolic or strategic impact in secondary care services (Smith, et al., 2004). Healthcare commissioning is perplexed and postulating and requires both technical as well as managerial skills (Peskett, 2009). Ham (2008), quoting Mays and Hands (2000) defines Healthcare commissioning as complicated, unclear, not exhibiting information symmetry between buyer and seller, lengthy training mandatory and is based on long term relationships between patients and professionals. Often there is misunderstanding among the commissioners and providers, clinicians and managers, and sometimes between the primary and secondary care commissioners which builds up stress, hence a prominent degree of competence and communication skill is mandatory. The challenges for healthcare commissioning were revealed by the UKs Department of Health Independent Sector Program, particularly for assessment of governance arrangements and identification of high standards of healthcare providers (Peskett, 2009). A successful care pathway commissioning requires an acquaintance and proficiency of the clinical intakes, turnouts and consequences as well as organizational skills for process management and patient journey. Pertinent inter and intra-organizational governance arrangements should be verified. Evidence suggests that healthcare commissioners will need not only time but also stability and persistence of management and organization, if a sustainable progress is required for betterment of local services (Smith, et al., 2005). The recently developed primary care commissioning organizations focuses internally in their initial stages and in future with the secondary care and other providers. The factors which facilitate effective commissioning may also pose to be the greatest challenge. One of these includes for engaging the GPs a set of incentives is created, for patient with long term conditions new forms of seamless services being developed and eventually making an absolute effect on the broader healthcare system, which was difficult for the primary care commissioning to achieve. From a survey conducted recently a conclusion was drawn that about 50% of GPs did not show interest in commissioning budget (Smith, et al., 2005). The GPs would thus have power and would play the role of managers but the power was not distributed equally among the doctors. It has been suggested that an important incentive within fund holding and total purchasing would lead to changes and might improve the services as well, if there were profits during the practice process. In order to engage all the GPs into budget commissioning more strident incentives would be required. If a new NHS market is developed then it will offer sharper incentives so that the GPs and nurses can become practice based commissioners. Hence services could be purchased from new providers of primary care and diagnostics by a commissioning budget. For the non NHS providers, there arises a possibility that the primary care should demand increasingly for budget commissioning and thus become equivalent to the NHS GP s and nurses. (Peskett, 2009) Separation of managerial and clinical goals led to failure with no clinical leadership. Negative targets had detrimental consequences and if the financial flow encouraged efficiency and not effectiveness it leads to failure of service. A culture of collaboration would be helpful rather than competition with command and control ethos. The managers and the organization should be responsible enough to provide commercial expertise, infrastructure and information and the clinicians should provide specialist and knowledge related to healthcare. Weak and ineffective engagement of clinicians of primary and secondary care would lead to crucial Primary Care Trust Commissioning. Commissioning fails if there is lack of resources, capacity and capability and an ability to sustain long duration relationship. Commissioning organizations also require robust governance system in business transactions for ensuring no conflicts of interests. Lack of time, personnel, resources and diffic ult long term relationship were the challenges that Healthcare commissioning had faced (Checkaland, et al., 2009). The four major challenges faced by healthcare commissioning are (Boyd, 2010): Ameliorating the health of the patients Assuring a high quality standard of care in healthcare arena Supervising costs and savings. It includes preventing and managing falls, assessment of risk and saving tax payers money. Managing the transition to clinical commissioning (Boyd, 2010)The key responsibilities of healthcare commissioning includes buying high quality services throughout the care pathway in order to meet the needs of common people and making decisions for not purchasing services. The detailed information regarding organizations engaged in pathway, from primary care to tertiary care is available to the commissioning team and their aim is to fit together all the parts of care pathway to provide a holistic care. Foundations for effective commissioning are as follows: improving outcomes, patient empowerment, evidence based practice, community mobilization and sustainability (Royal College of General Practitioners, n.d.). If these foundations are not taken into consideration carefully then it might lead to difficulty in commissioning health services. Payment by Results (PBR) plays a massive role for achieving efficiency gains in commissioning decisions (InPharm, 2010). A key challenge to an efficacious healthcare commissioning is that there is an absence of general/global, apparent/definite commissioning procedure for the NHS. Several factors are taken into consideration for establishing a business case and introducing it to the decision makers for authorization. These factors includes financing the services, route of commissioning whether the prevailed services be improved or put a tender, assessment of both the NHS and patient needs and views of patient. According to Baird, et al. (2010) one of the various challenges that the healthcare commissioning had was the size and performance in commissioning organizations, both in the NHS as well as internationally. It was concluded that small commissioning organizations would struggle more if they took the responsibility of commissioning the entire spectrum of healthcare and there was negligible relationship between performance and size of commissioners. The providers would also face a number of challenges (NHS CONFEDERATION, 2010). These include: Handling the PCTSs during their transition phase Making commitments for the next 2-3 years about services and financial plans Understanding the new GP consortia and their managers Making arrangements for contract with multiple consortia behaving individually and in networks Ascertaining that the PCTs vital statutory activities are being taken into account even during a major organizational transition. The challenges of Healthcare commissioning might be addressed by focusing more on clinical leadership (NHS CONFEDERATION, 2010). For the local needs and services, the consortia will develop a real, risk adjusted, capital budget. The consortia will be held responsible for economic risk, service execution and health outcomes. Amongst the local system, the consortia will have an outstanding position. Therefore it should be capable of attracting a powerful management and have clout. Gray (2001) says that these challenges are difficult to address because it is not possible to decrease hospital care expenses and divert it into budgets of primary care drugs. Accessibility to diagnostic service costs might be prohibited which is subjected internally within the provider unit and not to external contracts. Savings within the hospital can be redirected to hospital care by professionals in any other service. Conclusion: Healthcare commissioning personifies the improvement in quality of healthcare and it is responsible for publicizing the national healthcare standards, assessing the organizations performance and comparing it with other organizations, solving the problems when it is not possible to resolve it locally and looking into severe service failure. According to Sobanja (2009) commissioning is defined as the act of committing resources, particularly but not limited to the health and social care sectors, with the aim of improving health, reducing inequalities, and enhancing patient experience. Many countries throughout the world are now concentrating on healthcare commissioning. Experience and evidence available from Europe, United States and New Zealand suggests that commissioning is not done systematically in any of the systems. There have been innovations in all the systems but again there are illustrations of barriers and limitations of effective commissioning. Commissioning tends to be dif ficult may be due to the nature of healthcare and the expectation of the healthcare commissioners to have a high level of technical and managerial skills. Payment system, incentive, market organization and regulation influence the impact of commissioners. The concluding point to stress is that there is only one element called commissioning in the health reforms and its impact will be affected by how different elements are carried forward. Hence it can be concluded that even if world class commissioning is enhanced it may not reach the standards and fall short of its potential due to lack of variations in system design.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Gender Roles in Ancient Egypt, Rome, and India
Prompt: Gender is not sex: gender has to do with the roles and expectations commonly ascribed to men and women, and these can vary from one society to another. Write an essay that explores similarities and differences in gender norms in ancient Egypt, Rome, and India. Gender roles vary from place to place. There is not a set standard that applies to every place all over the world. Men are usually of higher position than women but not always. In this paper I will tell you specifically about the gender roles, mostly of women, in India, Egypt, and Rome.In India, the women are controlled almost completely by the men in their families. They also have to pay a lot of respect to the men in their culture in general. The women must follow the commands of her father first, after him her husband, and lastly her son. Although she must obey these men the restrictions do not end there. After a woman’s husband dies she does not have independence and she is not allowed to remarry. In the movi e Paheli there were very good examples of what the culture would be like among the gender roles in India.The newlywed, Lachchi, must her veil removed by her husband, Kishen. She is not even allowed to do this herself. While Lachchi and Kishen are on the way to Kishen’s house, Lachchi has some children go and fetch her berries from a nearby tree, Kishen scolds her and takes possession of the berries and does not let her ingest them. One part of Paheli that strikes me as interesting is the section where the men give the women colorful bangles. In this society the men spoil the women but they place such harsh restrictions on them.It states directly in the textbook, â€Å"A virtuous wife should constantly serve her husband like a god, even if he behaves badly, freely indulges his lust, and is devoid of any good qualities. †This is saying that he can do whatever he wants, cheat on his wife with whomever he pleases, and if he has nothing going for him or does nothing right. On the other hand, the husband is able to do whatever he wants. He should be â€Å"born again†by impregnating his wife. Also, the husband should not keep her in check by force but instead, by filling her time with activities that benefit both of them such as cooking and cleaning.While men get possession of all the land and they have the rights and abilities to go to work the women did not have these as life options. The women that were brought to India as slaves were used as dancers and musicians but occasionally they were used to act as military guards. In Egypt, The gender roles are not as strict as they are in India. The women are able to have higher positions and there is more availability of activities they can do. Although women did not have many restrictions, one that was withheld for a long time was that a woman should not withhold a position that governs a kingdom or have effective power.Actually it was said â€Å"A people who place women in charge of their affair s will never prosper†and â€Å"Men perish if they obey women. †This was later defied and a woman called â€Å"mother of Khalil†was placed in a higher up position. Another way that a woman could acquire a higher up status would be by being the mother of a prince. Men are usually the bread winners of the families and the women do close to nothing because they do not have to. Concubines, who were usually slaves, could earn themselves a decent living if they were intelligent enough or picked the right man and created a decent relationship with him.In Rome, The gender roles run differently than any other place. The women have the rights to do much of the same things as men. There are different aspects to the roles often from house to house though. In one instance, the house was divided into two and the men slept upstairs while the women slept downstairs. Although this seems odd it is actually very considerate because the husband was sparing his wife the trouble of having to always go downstairs to tend to her child.Elite Roman women were socially and politically significant and often highly visible individuals. This proves that although in many cultures women could never be equal to men, in the Roman culture they could come very close. In many other cultures that we talked about it was alright for the men to carryout affairs. In the Roman culture it was said that â€Å"women of Rome, all were expected to be fertile and virtuous mothers†¦ideologies of masculinity bound men, who were to be serious, strong, and dedicated to their families, the gods, and their state. This is the society that sounds perfect to me. It seems like everything would just work together and there would not be much conflict. In these summaries of little aspects of gender roles we have seen many differences. I have not covered all of them but you can only imagine what kinds of other things are happening in the world that segregate the men from the women. Egypt, India , and Rome all differ and that is alright because what would the world be like if everything worked in perfectly the same order.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Importance Of International Trade On The United Kingdom
L01.1: Explain the importance of International trade to an open economy such as the United Kingdom. International trade is important to an open economy such as United Kingdom because the residents of UK’s wants are unlimited and they are insatiable as well. People’s urge to buy variety of goods and services are unimaginable notwithstanding that the good and services they want to buy, can be produced in the UK but unfortunately, they are not be satisfied with only the goods and services which are domestically produced in the UK because they believe that other countries are better at producing such goods even other goods different from what people use in the UK because of their natural endowments of productive resources. They have a lot of†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ It can bring a more productive system: it enhances consumer choice and gives them the opportunity to buy and enjoy goods which cannot be produced in their various countries. They must not stick to consume the goods made in their countries. †¢ It brings new technology and ideas: innovation or investment is an essential mechanism by which countries can use to gain access to new technologies. †¢ There is less reliance on economies of home nations: they exploit the economy scale by operating from leading to lower average cost of production that can be passed onto consumers. †¢ Good living standard and reduction of poverty: when countries trade, it reduces poverty and raises quality living standard because it enables different countries to supply surplus products to other countries and earn foreign exchange (Riley, 2012). Disadvantages of International Trade: Import of harmful goods: international trade encourages the importation of harmful goods which are dangerous to the health and safety of the consumers. For instance, the importation of cigarettes and drugs from China into the UK would be very cheap and affordable to the consumers to buy and use them in large quantity thereby putting their lives in danger. Danger of Starvation: importation of foreign goods to the UK enables the countries
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Holding Social Media Accountable For Violence. Today’S
Holding Social Media Accountable for Violence Today’s world has certainly changed over the years and with media expanding to platforms such as Twitter and Facebook, news has expanded to a vast majority. Over recent years, platforms such as Facebook have allowed the viewing of decapitations, rapes, bullying in schools, gang threats, and even murders to be broadcasted live. Seemingly more of such violence is occurring and being distributed over these social platforms. For instance, the recent live murder of an innocent man by Steve Stephens. A breakdown, or crime, for a moment of notoriety on a live feed is appalling in the least. How could social media, such as Facebook, allow a live airing of a murder and hold it as acceptable, or part of†¦show more content†¦Therefore, studies exist and reveal that media violence does increase the likelihood of one acting aggressively. Such studies link an increase in aggressive thoughts, an increase in hostile perceptions of the environment, and a desensitization towards aggres sive behavior (Busching, Allen, and Anderson). More importantly, clinical psychology presents evidence that when people are exposed repeatedly to situations eliciting negative affective reactions, they become used to such reactions, thus reducing the negative effect leading to a propensity towards acting aggressively with a lesser prospect of aiding victims (Busching, Allen, and Anderson). Furthermore, some recent examples of Facebook live feed violence include Steve Stephens shooting down an innocent elderly man, a fifteen- year old girl being gang raped by five to six suspects in Chicago, four African American suspects beating, taunting, and torturing a white mentally challenged teenaged male, and Colleen Ferreri who committing suicide by shooting herself. Clearly, these videos should have never aired, as often these crimes are for notoriety or for the purpose of inciting further violence. Such live feed videos are often without regard to the victim’s rights, while others f ollow with immediate harm. Both of these instances raise contradictions to the First Amendment, which allows freedom of expression and speech. It would then follow, one needsShow MoreRelatedEssay on Bullying and Violence in Public Schools1365 Words  | 6 PagesBullying and Violence in Public Schools Although bullying has always been a problem in schools, it has more recently become a bigger crisis with vicious consequences. â€Å"However it is defined, bullying is not just child’s play, but a terrifying experience many schoolchildren face everyday. It can be as direct as teasing, hitting or threatening, or as indirect as exclusions, rumors or manipulation†(Garrett 2). 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