Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Stereotypes of Africa How Much Do You Know - 669 Words
The word stereotype can be defined as â€Å"a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing. Stereotypes can be found everywhere, from schools to our views on the world. There are many stereotypes about Africans and Africa as a whole, and just like a majority of all stereotypes, they couldn’t be more wrong. One of the stereotypes about Africa is that it’s a country. It has often been argued that Africa isn’t a continent when, in actuality, it is the second largest continent with fifty-three countries and a variety of ethnic diversity. This stereotype isn’t only ingrained into the minds of children, but into the minds of many adults as well, including former Vice President and Republican running mate, Sarah Palin. A second stereotype is that all Africans lack intelligence. In reality, the African system of learning, is far more advanced than the American system of learning. A perfect example would involve le arning a foreign language. A majority of American schools begin learning a foreign language from middle school through high school. In Africa, many children in elementary school have mastered the basics of learning foreign languages; the languages include, English, French, and the languages of the other African countries (Twi, Ga, Ewe, Swahili, Fulani, Hausa etc.). A third stereotype is that Africa is filled with famine, war, diseases, poverty, and political corruption. When most people think of Africa, the first image thatShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Essay On Ted Talk1191 Words  | 5 PagesAdichie’s Ted talk, I believe not everyone in Africa lives in poverty, stereotypes in Children s books cause unrealistic ideas of reality and the media fabricates news to generate views and labels specific groups of people. Every day each and every one of us hears international news whether we hear it, we read or we watch it. 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