Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Stereotypes of Africa How Much Do You Know - 669 Words
The word stereotype can be defined as â€Å"a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing. Stereotypes can be found everywhere, from schools to our views on the world. There are many stereotypes about Africans and Africa as a whole, and just like a majority of all stereotypes, they couldn’t be more wrong. One of the stereotypes about Africa is that it’s a country. It has often been argued that Africa isn’t a continent when, in actuality, it is the second largest continent with fifty-three countries and a variety of ethnic diversity. This stereotype isn’t only ingrained into the minds of children, but into the minds of many adults as well, including former Vice President and Republican running mate, Sarah Palin. A second stereotype is that all Africans lack intelligence. In reality, the African system of learning, is far more advanced than the American system of learning. A perfect example would involve le arning a foreign language. A majority of American schools begin learning a foreign language from middle school through high school. In Africa, many children in elementary school have mastered the basics of learning foreign languages; the languages include, English, French, and the languages of the other African countries (Twi, Ga, Ewe, Swahili, Fulani, Hausa etc.). A third stereotype is that Africa is filled with famine, war, diseases, poverty, and political corruption. When most people think of Africa, the first image thatShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Essay On Ted Talk1191 Words  | 5 PagesAdichie’s Ted talk, I believe not everyone in Africa lives in poverty, stereotypes in Children s books cause unrealistic ideas of reality and the media fabricates news to generate views and labels specific groups of people. Every day each and every one of us hears international news whether we hear it, we read or we watch it. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Is mathematics in business necessary in the decision making process Free Essays
string(90) " the most important and essential factor of the production method is to reduce the waste\." Introduction In this assignment, I am going to show how Mathematics in business is necessary in the decision making process. The business which I have chosen to do my assignment is Corus. Corus is the steel manufacturing industry in Europe. We will write a custom essay sample on Is mathematics in business necessary in the decision making process? or any similar topic only for you Order Now Corus The steel industry has a very long and rich history. It has been able to enjoy wide range of economical, political and strategic importance with its remarkable technological varieties and enterprenuership. The steel has been able to establish itself as the material which is strong, reliable and very durable. In the early days the cost of production of steel was very high so was it’s cost. Hence the steel was only used in those place of situations where other materials were unable to do. But today the situation is different. There are hundreds of steel industries producing millions of tonnes of steel every year. Today the steel has become the integral part of our lives mostly for the construction or as home appliances. Among hundreds of steel producers Corus Group is one of them which operates mainly in Europe. History of Corus Corus Group (Currently Tata Steel Europe) which is the largest in UK and second largest steel manufacturing company in Europe, branch of Tata Steel Group of India, one of the ten largest steel producing company in the world (www.tatasteeleurope.com/en/) [Accessed 21st March 2011].The company employs about 42,000 workers around the world. The Corus Long Products (CLP) produces around 4.3 million tonnes of steel products every year. The Corus Group was formed in 6th October 1999 when the British Steel and Koninklijke Hoogovens merged with each other. It was acquired by the Tata Group of Companies on 30th January 2007 with its headquarter establishing in London, England. The Corus has been using its own logo until 27th of September 2010.Though the Corus was acquired by the Tata company no sudden changes were made. Instead it decided to change gradually that is why the visual transition occurred after more than three and half years after being aquired by the Tata Group. It has got the ma nufacturing companies in England, Scotland, Netherlands and France. The Corus has been in the European market for long time and has got it’s own range of customers. The Corus has been operating mainly in the four major steel plants: Port Talbot, South Wales Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire Teesside Ijmuiden in the Netherlands As any other industries Corus too had go through the high and the low phase since its formation in 1999.The company was not doing well in the market resulting into loss each year until 2004. After the research conducted the reasons the company found were: Poor deliveries: The company was unable to provide the materials to the customers on time which led to the dissatisfaction to customers and they moved to other companies to order the products. Competitiveness: Being located in the Europe the Corus had the high cost of production where as the steel manufacturing companies from Asia and Africa were much had much low cost of production which led to the more tough competition. The competition was so high that the Corus group had to merge into Tata steel one of the ten largest steel manufacturing company in the world. High wastages: The company was not very conscious about the adverse effects of the high wastages until the company applied the Continuous Improvement (CI) method to lift the company back in track in 2004. Low motivation/morale staffs: As the company was not doing very well the chances of jobs being cut off were high which led the workers to the job insecurity and low confidence. As the workers were afraid of their jobs would not be recognized by their productivity. The company was giving importance to those staffs who were working in the company for many years rather than the people who were working for the development of the company, who had great talent. The company would give importance to those staffs who were there for many years rather than the talented ones when jobs were being cut. This led to the blow of the self confidence and very low morale of the workers of the company. Since then the company decided to apply the Continuous Improvement (CI) method also known as Kaizen method. This method mainly focuses on the following areas: Focus on making every small improvements: Functions, systems and procedures: This process was to look carefully into the functioning machines and revise the systems and manage the procedures. Decentralization of people to make decisions: Decentralization in company would give all the workers to share their views and suggestions for the betterment of the company. This can be very useful in boosting the motivation of the employees, they can feel their importance to the company is essential. Increasing internal capabilities and raising quality: Meeting customer needs: To succeed in the business sector one of the most important thing required is to meet the customer needs. Once a company becomes able to meet the needs of the customers then no one can stop a company from being successful though it is very tough and equally challenging to meet the needs of customers everytime. Minimize wastages Apply lean production: Trying to figure out and search the best possible way to manufacture goods can always be helpful for the company. (As there can be many other ways of production but as in the case of Corus Lean Production seems the best way.) Increase competitive advantage: Helps you win/get the contracts: Improvising the product and making it more applicable to the customers can always be helpful. If a company develops a product which has more advantageous features with the same price then a company always has a greater chance to attract the new customers as well as the regular ones. Lean Production Helps to reduce waste For example: Time, money and materials: One of the most important and essential factor of the production method is to reduce the waste. You read "Is mathematics in business necessary in the decision making process?" in category "Essay examples" As the waste itself is wastes the useful material and besides that it takes a lot of time and money to manage It or dump it. So if we become able to minimize wastes it can be more profitable in the long term. Rise in efficiency leads to few resources requirement: Using the resources carefully which we can say using the resources efficiently is one of the very important aspect in lean production. This leads to the high output (productivity) with low input. Profit rises because of the increase in productivity: When a company is able to reduce the waste and produce more with less input which means the productivity has gone up and for a company to be profitable the productivity always has to be higher. Just In Time (JIT) Helps in reducing the costs in raw materials and finished goods: This is also one of the very important factor to be more efficient with the materials as this Just In Time method is very helpful in reducing the cost of stocks and risk of being outdated if not delivered in time. So manufacturing the goods only when ordered can be very helpful in using the raw materials very wisely and efficiently. Helpful in meeting the deadlines: Though it sounds easier but to apply the Just In Time method is very difficult as it is very risky. If the products are not delivered just in time the company has even more risk losing its overall business as it creates a bad publicity in between the customers of company not giving importance to them. But these challenges can be very helpful in meeting the deadlines as it has so many risks attached to it. The company (Corus) then focused on mnemonic ‘TIM WOOD’ table which helped the employees to focus in their respective areas. The following is the table of the ’TIM WOOD’: Table 1 http://www.thetimes100.co.uk/downloads/corus/corus_14_full.pdf [Accessed 21st March 2011] New Product Development Acquiring new ideas from different sources Employees, customers, technology and competitors: If we see as an example for the sustainability of any company most of it would be of its new products or ideas. For the sustainability of any company new ideas are very essential which can be taken from anyone around. Employees of company from lower to higher level, customer feedbacks, technology updates and competitors can teach a lot of lessons too. Product innovation derives key steps Research new formula: The company has to keep on researching the new formula for products as the invention of new formula can bring the success to the company. If company tries to cash in in the old products then the customers might be bored of that product and start searching for the next producer. Keep testing: Testing the products is also an important factor of innovation as more you test the more you go closer to finding the defects or the ideas for innovation. Sampling in small scale: Though the testing is very important for the innovation the testing should be done very wisely as the testing might end up using a lot of materials, time and money. So the testing should be done in small scale which is also known as sampling. Product Testing Small scale testing to be efficient: To test a big volume product it is not always compulsory that it needs a big amount of raw materials. Normally the prototype of the product can be made in smaller size and tested in different aspects, which becomes more efficient and less costly. Create prototypes to test effects of different elements The steel ingredients Heating Milling process Cooling Additional heating Creating the whole manufacturing process in small sample/prototypes can always be helpful to test the different elements of manufacturing process. Computer modeling used to track impact of change of each factor Outcomes and benefits of Continuous Improvement Cost efficient: At the end it helps in producing more with less input. Waste minimization: This helps in using the raw materials wisely and efficiently. Helpful in meeting customers deadlines: The manufacturer becomes more time efficient. Above factors help in getting other orders: Competition can be won by following the above factors. Helps the other steel industries to improve overall performance: The whole group of industries can learn the efficient ways of manufacturing and improve the overall performance and productivity. (The methods mentioned above are written keeping the Corus on mind) (These methods can vary according to the types of companies) Tata Steel Group’s Profit after tax for Q3 FY’11 at Rs1,003 crores (US$224 million) was around 112% higher than the profit of Rs473 crores (US$106 million) in the corresponding period of the previous year (Q3 FY’10). During the first nine months of the financial year 2010-11 (9M FY’11), the Group recorded Profit after tax (after minority interest and share of profit of associates) of Rs4,807 crores (US$1.08 billion) compared to a loss of Rs4,443 crores (US$994 million) in 9M FY’10, an improvement of Rs9,250 crores (US$2.07 billion). http://www.tatasteeleurope.com/en/news/news/2011_q3_results [Accessed 22nd March] The above mentioned financial report is acquired from Tata Steel Industry’s website, which shows the profit of the company after paying the tax has gone up in comparison to the previous year’s time period. It shows that the company had lost US$994 million in previous year but made profit of US$1.08 billion this year compared to previous year. Conclusion In the case study of Corus above we can figure out how the decision has to be taken in different types of situation and what kinds of situation can on industry face and how the calculations are done when the company is not doing well. It has helped to analyze the comparisons have to be done to know the company’s status and the decision making can be much easier when research are conducted, data are analyzed and the calculations are done. So the necessity of mathematics in identifying the statistics to make the decisions in business is very crucial. Bibliography: (www.tatasteeleurope.com/en/) [Accessed 21st March 2011]. http://www.thetimes100.co.uk/downloads/corus/corus_14_full.pdf [Accessed 21st March 2011] http://www.tatasteeleurope.com/en/news/news/2011_q3_results [Accessed 22nd March] http://www.worldsteel.org/?action=programsid=53[Accessed 21st March 2011]. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tata_Steel_Europe[Accessed 21st March 2011]. http://www.thetimes100.co.uk/case-study–overcoming-barriers-to-change–56-382-1.php[Accessed 21st March 2011]. How to cite Is mathematics in business necessary in the decision making process?, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Debut Albums and Compare/ Contrast Mom free essay sample
Mom and I stand in line waiting for our coffee as we make small chat and try to make the most of these few moments that we have left. We finally sit at a table and eat In silence. I see her eyes scan my face up and down Like this Is the last time shes ever going to see me. Its time to leave. Mom takes me In a bone-crushing hug; we are both a mess of tears as Im minutes away from leaving. She reminds me again of the never ending list of Dos and Dont and I listen attentively and hug her again, trying o remember what it feels like to be in her arms because I wont be able to do that for months.She makes me promise her for the millionth time that I will call her as soon as we land and I oblige. We will write a custom essay sample on Debut Albums and Compare/ Contrast Mom or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I take one last glance at her and then follow the group as tears run down my face. Dad and I laugh at random things as we wait for our food. Once its handed to us, we sit at a table and our eyes dart immediately to the soccer game playing on TV. We are engulfed in silence as each one of us focuses intently on the screen. Only a few words are exchanged to comment on players and how good they are doing so far.Its time to leave. My dad Jokes about finally getting rid of me and I laugh along feeling happy, despite the sadness from having to be gone weighing on me. My father engulfs me In a hug and expresses how proud he Is of me; and how certain he Is that I will succeed no matter how hard life gets. I feel my spirits lift as I hug him one last time and thank him for supporting me through everything; and I walk away feeling more than ready to begin a new life.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Scarlet Letter Essays - Fiction, Literature, Roger Chillingworth
Scarlet Letter Hester's Devotion The Romantic movement in American literature greatly expanded the love story genre. In Hawthorne's novel The Scarlet Letter he writes of adultery in a Puritan village. The story deals with the relationship between Hester Prynne, a young bride awaiting her husband, and Arthur Dimmsdale, an inspired Puritan minister who is beloved by the populace. Do Hester and Dimmsdale truly love each other? Hester does indeed love Dimmsdale, but the love is not returned by the preacher. It is obvious from the beginning that Hester loves Dimmsdale. When she is being grilled for the identity of the father of her child in front of the entire villiage, she cares for him enough to refuse to reveal his identity. When offered the chance to remove the scarlet letter "A" if she will but speak his name and repent, she stands up to the crowd and refuses to give in to its pressure. Another telling feature of her love for Dimmsdale is that she remains in the village as an outcast rather than fleeing to a more accepting environment, where she might possibly live a normal life. According to the narrator, she could not leave this place because "there trode the feet of one with whom she deemed herself connected in a union, that, unrecognized on earth, would bring them together before the bar of final judgement" (74). She realizes that she cannot lead a normal life in this community with Dimmsdale, but even so she cannot bring herself to leave him. This is telling evidence of! her love for him. She endures pain and torment alone, without even the support of her partner in sin. Even so, she still feels more anguish over being the cause of Dimmsdale's pain than she does for the humiliation of being branded impure before her community. As she states herself, under questioning by the ministers before the town "and would that I might endure his agony, as well as mine!" (64). That she should feel guilt for causing him pain when he was as much involved as she was proves how deeply she does love him. Hester would love to escape her punishment, but only if she can still be with Dimmsdale. While conversing with Dimmsdale alone in the forest where no one can overhear, she brings up the idea of fleeing with him, and living a life full of love with him in another land. She says "So brief a journey would bring thee from a world where thou hast been most wretched, to one where thou mayest still be happy" (181). The world she is talking about here is a world deeper along the forest track where they can freely express their love for one another. When he seems hesitant to take that path, she suggests another route of escape. "Then there is the broad pathway of the sea!...It brought thee hither. If thou so choose, it will bear thee back again" (181). She is willing to give up her newfound acceptance as healer, from the villagers in a moment to win a chance to live in happiness with a man who has thus far shown her little support. Hester also shows her love for Dimmsdale with her courage in onfronting Roger Chillingworth with her intent to warn Dimmsdale of the threat Chillingworth poses him. She is willing to break the vow of secrecy she has made to Chillingworth, saying "I must reveal the secret...He must discern thee in thy true character...this long debt of confidence, due from me to him, whose bane and ruin I have been, shall at length be paid" (158). She knows that Chillingworth is a plotting, malevolent man, whose physical deformity reflects the deformity and evil content of his heart. Again she is standing up for the man she loves. In the same conversation, she tries to shift Chillingworth's malevolence off the man she loves and onto herself. She asks him "It was I, not less than he. Why hast thou not avenged thyself on me?" (158). Other examples of Hester's undying devotion include the description of what a loving person Hester is, when the narrator states "Hester's nature showed itself warm and rich; a well-spring of human tenderness" (148). With her nature thus revealed as naturally loving, it is easy to see why she is so devoted to Dimmsdale. Later, just before she tells Dimmsdale about the threat living in his own house, the narrator refers to
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Uranium Element Facts and Properties
Uranium Element Facts and Properties Uranium is an element well-known for its radioactivity. Here are a collection of facts about the chemical and physical properties of this metal. Uranium Basic Facts Atomic Number: 92 Uranium Atomic Symbol: U Atomic Weight: 238.0289 Electron Configuration: [Rn]7s25f36d1 Word Origin: Named after the planet Uranus Isotopes Uranium has sixteen isotopes. All of the isotopes are radioactive. Naturally-occurring uranium contains approximately 99.28305 by weight U-238, 0.7110% U-235, and 0.0054% U-234. The percentage weight of U-235 in natural uranium depends on its source and may vary by as much as 0.1%. Uranium Properties Uranium generally has a valence of 6 or 4. Uranium is a heavy, lustrous, silvery-white metal, capable of taking a high polish. It exhibits three crystallographic modifications: alpha, beta, and gamma. It is a bit softer than steel; not hard enough to scratch glass. It is malleable, ductile, and slightly paramagnetic. When exposed to air, uranium metal becomes coated with a layer of oxide. Acids will dissolve the metal, but it is not affected by alkalis. Finely divided uranium metal is attached by cold water and is pyrophoric. Crystals of uranium nitrate are triboluminescent. Uranium and its (uranyl) compounds are highly toxic, both chemically and radiologically. Uranium Uses Uranium is of great importance as a nuclear fuel. Nuclear fuels are used to generate electrical power, to make isotopes, and to make weapons. Much of the internal heat of the earth is thought to be due to the presence of uranium and thorium. Uranium-238, with a half-life of 4.51 x 109 years, is used to estimate the age of igneous rocks. Uranium may be used to harden and strengthen steel. Uranium is used in inertial guidance devices, in gyro compasses, as counterweights for aircraft control surfaces, as ballast for missile reentry vehicles, for shielding, and for x-ray targets. The nitrate may be used as a photographic toner. The acetate is used in analytical chemistry. The natural presence of uranium in soils may be indicative of the presence of radon and its daughters. Uranium salts have been used for producing yellow vaseline glass and ceramic glazes. Sources Uranium occurs in minerals including pitchblende, carnotite, cleveite, autunite, uraninite, uranophane, and torbernite. It is also found in phosphate rock, lignite, and monazite sands. Radium is always associated with uranium ores. Uranium can be prepared by reducing uranium halides with alkali or alkaline earth metals or by reducing uranium oxides by calcium, carbon, or aluminum at elevated temperatures. The metal can be produced through electrolysis of KUF5 or UF4, dissolved in a molten mixture of CaCl2 and NaCl. High-purity uranium can be prepared by the thermal decomposition of uranium halides on a hot filament. Element Classification: Radioactive Rare Earth Element (Actinide Series) Discovery: Martin Klaproth 1789 (Germany), Peligot 1841 Uranium Physical Data Density (g/cc): 19.05 Melting Point ( °K): 1405.5 Boiling Point ( °K): 4018 Appearance: Silvery-white, dense, ductile and malleable, radioactive metal Atomic Radius (pm): 138 Atomic Volume (cc/mol): 12.5 Covalent Radius (pm): 142 Ionic Radius: 80 (6e) 97 (4e) Specific Heat (20 °C J/g mol): 0.115 Fusion Heat (kJ/mol): 12.6 Evaporation Heat (kJ/mol): 417 Pauling Negativity Number: 1.38 First Ionizing Energy (kJ/mol): 686.4 Oxidation States: 6, 5, 4, 3 Lattice Structure: Orthorhombic Lattice Constant (Ã…): 2.850 Magnetic Ordering: paramagnetic Electrical Resistivity (0 °C): 0.280  µÃŽ ©Ã‚ ·m Thermal Conductivity (300 K): 27.5 W ·m−1 ·K−1 Thermal Expansion (25 °C): 13.9  µm ·m−1 ·K−1 Speed of Sound (thin rod) (20 °C): 3155 m/s Youngs Modulus: 208 GPa Shear Modulus: 111 GPa Bulk Modulus: 100 GPa Poisson Ratio: 0.23 CAS Registry Number: 7440-61-1
Friday, November 22, 2019
Profile of Death Row Inmate Patricia Blackmon
Profile of Death Row Inmate Patricia Blackmon Patricia Blackmon is on death row in Alabama for capital murder in the death of her 28-month-old adopted daughter, Dominiqua. Blackmon had adopted Dominiqua nine months before she was murdered. The Crime On May 29, 1999, Patricia Blackmon, age 29, called 9-1-1 in Dothan, Alabama because her daughter Dominiqua was not breathing. When paramedics arrived at Blackmons mobile home, they found Dominiqua lying on the floor of the master bedroom she was wearing only a diaper and blood-soaked socks, was covered in vomit, and she was not breathing. There was a large bump on her forehead and blood on her chest. After the paramedics attempted to revive her, she was transported to Flowers Hospital Emergency Room where she died shortly after arriving. Two doctors, one of them being Dominiquas pediatrician, Dr. Robert Head, examined the child and found that she had multiple bruises and contusions and an imprint of the sole of a shoe on her chest. They also observed several older scars on Dominiqua, that were from previous injuries and in various stages of healing. The Autopsy Included in the 30 separate injuries found on her body, the medical examiner Dr. Alfredo Parades found bruises on the front part of her lower chest and upper abdomen and around the right groin. She had also suffered a fractured leg. He also found that Dominiqua had two broken bones and many other injuries that were in various stages of healing. Parades concluded that her death was due to multiple blunt-force injuries to her head, chest, abdomen, and extremities. Another discovery found on Dominiqua was an imprint of the sole of a shoe on her chest that was so clearly defined that it was captured in a photograph taken by the doctor. The Trial Dr. James Downs, chief medical examiner for the State of Alabama, testified that he compared the images taken of the shoe print to sandals Blackmon was wearing on the day of the murder. It was his opinion that the sole of the sandals matched the imprint embedded in Dominiquas chest. Downs also said that he believed Dominiqua was struck with a pool cue resulting in her most recent injuries. Wayne Johnson, Blackmons father-in-law testimony showed that Blackmon was the only person caring for Dominiqua on the evening of the murder, up until the time the paramedics arrived at Blackmons home at around 9:30 p.m. Johnson testified that on the night Dominiqua was killed, he saw Dominiqua earlier in the evening and she seemed fine, playing and acting normally. He said Blackmon and Dominiqua left his house at around 8 p.m. A search of Blackmons mobile home uncovered several blood-splattered items. Forensic tests found the blood on a broken pool cue, a childs T-shirt, a pink flat bed sheet, a quilt, and two napkins. The blood found on all of the items matched Dominiquas blood. Blackmons Defense In her defense, Blackmon said that the child was injured when she fell off of the bed. Blackmon called several character witnesses to testify in her defense. Judy Whatley, an employee of the Department of Human Resources, said that in her opinion, Blackmon and Dominiqua had a good relationship. Whatley had contact with Dominiqua and Blackmon once a month for five months before August 1998. Tammy Freeman, Blackmons neighbor, testified that she frequently left her children under Blackmons care. Convicted The jury convicted Blackmon of capital murder. A separate sentencing hearing was held, at which the State relied on the aggravating circumstance that the murder was especially heinous, atrocious, or cruel to support a death sentence. After the sentencing hearing the jury, by a vote of 10 to two, recommended the death penalty. Appeals In August 2005, Blackmon appealed to the court, arguing that the State failed to prove that the murder was especially, heinous, atrocious, or cruel as compared to other capital murders. She argued that the State failed to prove that Dominiqua was conscious during any of the attacks and that she suffered. Blackmon believed that Dominiqua was knocked unconscious before Blackmon beat her, and as a result, the child did not feel the pain of being beaten. Her appeal was turned down. Patricia Blackmon now sits on death row at Tutwiler Prison for Women in Wetumpka, Alabama.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Special Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Special Education - Essay Example The term low-incidence disability is used to refer to these individuals, because the occurrence of such disabilities is less than 1% of the general population (Horner, Albin, Todd & Sprague, 2006). The numbers of students with such disabilities are accordingly less. But the important consideration for these students is the support that is required to help them participate in the community and to live a decent life similar to that of other citizens. Such students will need support for mobility, communication, self-care and learning (Horner, et al., 2006). While these students may have the capacity to learn, they must have lifelong support as well. Because legislation provides for the education of all students, these individuals must be educated to the levels of their abilities (No Child Left Behind Act of 2001). There's a need for providing them an opportunity to function without the stereotypes that exist about their potential. Students who can learn language acquisition skills can be taught the standards as required in the functional academics standards. There are three levels of language for students with severe disabilities: pre-symbolic, early symbolic and expanded symbolic (Horner, et al., 2006). Because some students are not able to respond to words and pictures, there is also a stage called non-symbolic. Non-symbolic communication can involve the use of technology to attract a student's attention. Daily routines can be established to interest students in books on tapes, artwork, writing and drawing centers. One way to teach students is with picture "reading." Picture communication boards are available to provide a means for students to indicate preferences of their needs and wants. Picture boards can be individualized so that specific students use their own boards to show the teachers what they want to do or what they need. This provides the teacher with direct information about the student's needs, rather than having to guess about the problem at hand. Because of their exceptionalities, students with low-incidence disabilities are usually educated in a setting designed for their support. Without this special setting, these students may not receive the appropriate educational program required. Many school districts have created facilities to provide educational opportunities for students between the ages of 16 and 21. Certified teachers must serve this population. Without appropriate training, many special education teachers find it difficult to teach such students. Also, opportunities for mastery of objectives by the students are limited because of their disabilities. Sustained efforts on the part of the teachers results in good achievement for the students in the classroom. The problem for teachers is to find ways and means to modify their teaching techniques and students' behaviors to produce learning. There must be a strictly defined plan for all students who are included in this group through the required Individualized Educati onal Plan (IEP). Also, there must be some methodology for intervening to produce mastery of standards. Students in this group are often difficult to teach and to control. Sometimes their undesirable behavior prevents them from learning. The primary problem
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Inflammatory Bowel Disease - Essay Example Nevertheless, the Crohn sickness normally affects the lower part of the ileum (small intestines), though there is a possibility of it happening anywhere along the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. On the other hand, the ulcerative colitis mainly happens along the interior lining of the colon (McGuire & Beerman, 2013). The two diseases are treated differently. The ulcerative colitis treatment is based on the reduction of chronic and acute swelling that result in respite. The common drugs prescribed include antibiotics, antidiarrheal, and steroids. The patient can also be treated using immunosuppressant for example azathioprine cyclosporine and 6-mercaptopurine (Nelms, Sucher, Lacey & Roth, 2010). The other appropriate medication is anti-inflammatory -5- aminosalicylic acid and infliximab (biological therapies). The Crohn’s disease treatment is founded on the severe condition of the illness. The appropriate drugs include infliximab, steroids, antibiotics, immunosuppressant and in some cases surgery. In the surgery procedure the affected parts are removed that may consist of ileostomy, ileocolic resections, total proctocolectomy and segmental resections. The two diseases have different presentations. In ulcerative colitis the common signs include fever, weight loss, arthritis, ocular manifestations, abdominal or rectal pain, dermatological change and diarrhea with mucus and blood. The complication as a result of the illness comprise of severe bleeding, carcinoma, intolerance to immunosuppression, toxic colitis, strictures, toxic megacolon, perforation and dysplasia (Nelms et al., 2010). The symptoms of Crohn disease include delayed growth in adolescents, weight loss, fever, cramping and abdominal pain, malnutrition, anorexia and a stool that has blood or mucus. The complications that occur as a consequence of the sickness are neoplasia, perennial illness, malabsorption, gallstones, and kidney stones. The patient also suffers from obstruction of the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Cng Crisis in Pakistan Essay Example for Free
Cng Crisis in Pakistan Essay Date: 18. 05. 2013 CHEMISTRY PAPER – II Max. Marks: 17 9:30 a. m. to 9:50 a. m. (Science Pre-Engineering Pre-Medical Groups) Time: 20 minutes SECTION ‘A’ (MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS) – (M. C. Qs. ) NOTE: i) This section consists of 17 part questions and all are to be answered. Each question carries one mark. ii) Do not copy down the part questions in your answerbook. Write only the answer in full against the proper number of the question and its part. ii) The code number of your question paper is to be written in bold letters in the beginning of the answerscript. 1. Select the most appropriate answer for each from the given options: i) The atomic number of an element belonging to group VA and 3rd period is: * 7 * 13 * 15 * 23 ii) Elements of group IB are called: * Normal elements * Rare Earth metals * Coinage metals * Alkali metals iii) Hydride ion and Helium atom have the same: * number of protons * number of electrons * number of neutrons * valency iv) The number of neutrons in Protium is: * zero * 1 * 2 * 3 ) The element having the symbol ‘Ga’ belongs to this family: * Carbon * Nitrogen * Boron * Beryllium vi) On burning in excess of Oxygen, Sodium forms its: * superoxide * peroxide * monoxide * dioxide vii) A mixture of Aluminium nitrate and Aluminium powder is called: * Duralumin * Ammonal * Carnallite * Alum viii) Ca2B6O11. 5H2O is the chemical formula of: * Cryolite * Colemanite * Bauxite * Borax ix) The formula of Hypochlorous acid is: * HOCl * HClO2 * HClO3 * HClO4 x) The metal ion having the highest number of unpaired electrons is: * Mn? 2 * Fe? 2 * Co? 2 * Ni? 2 xi) The chemical name of laughing gas is: Nitric oxide * Nitrous oxide * Nitrogen trioxide * Nitrogen pentoxide xii) This has the minimum hydration energy: * Na+ * K + * Rb+ * Cs+ xiii) Cycloalkanes have the general formula: * C Hn n2 2? * C Hn n2 * C Hn n2 2? * C Hn n2 4? xiv) Glycogen is a: * Monosaccharide * Oligosaccharide * Polysaccharide * Disaccharide xv) This gas was used in the First World war: * Phosgene gas * Mustard gas * Coal gas * Ammonia gas xvi) The hybridization in the Carbon atom of Carbonyl group is: * sp * sp2 * sp 3 * d sp 2 3 xvii) All noble gases fulfill the Octet rule except: * Kr * Ne * He * Ar
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Hamlet Insane or Sane :: essays research papers
Hamlet- Sane or Insane      In Shakespeare’s play Hamlet the main character Hamlet experiences many different and puzzling emotions. He toys with the idea of killing himself and then plays with the idea of murdering others. Many people ask themselves who or what is this man and what is going on inside his head. The most common question asked about him is whether or not he is sane or insane. Although the door seems to swing both ways many see him as a sane person with one thought on his mind, and that is revenge. The first point of his sanity is while speaking with Horatio in the beginning of the play, secondly is the fact of his wittiness with the other characters and finally, his soliloquy.      After talking with the ghost, Hamlet, comes back to Horatio and Marcellus and tries to explain to them never to let anyone know what has happened. Both are very scared but agree to the prince’s, but both are still looking to find out what happened between the ghost and him. Further on in the evening Hamlet takes Horatio to the side and explains to him that no matter how odd he acted that Horatio say nothing. (And therefore as a stranger-you most need help you Act1 sc5 line 187-202) He basically explained to Horatio that he was going to be acting much differently than normal, and he told him not to ask questions. This here proves he knew what he was going to have to do. It shows that he was willing to get his revenge by any way possible.      The second point showing his sanity is the fact that he was able to match wits with the other characters in the play. If he was an insane person why would he plan a way to let Claudius know that he knows about the death of his father. Most insane people don’t have the mind for that type of thing, but he was able to do it. He was able to let Claudius know without saying a word. He had the players act it out for him and what a job they did to let him know. He even knows when his good friends, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, show up that they are they to spy and find information about him to give to the king. (Act2 sc2 Line293-298). If he was insane why would he recognize the fact that his friends are turning on him.
Monday, November 11, 2019
African Americans in the Civil War
Roman Robinson Kristen Anderson HIST 3060 February 25, 13 African Americans and the Civil War The role African Americans played in the outcome, and the road to the outcome of the Civil War was immense. The fact that the south had slaves and the north did not played an enormous role in the issues. The north wanted to abolish slavery, and the south did not and after the war started this became one of the main reasons for the Civil War. Since most African Americans could not read or write, this made them an easy target, for slavery, against the dominant white man.Once the slaves got to America they started to realize how much trouble they were actually in. The north and the south had a problem brewing, and that was due to the slave uprisings and the run a ways. African Americans played an enormous role in the outcome of the Civil War because of the part they took in it. The civil war, which took place from 1861 to the 1920s, the African American community made tremendous strides toward them becoming apart of America and equals in America. Since they had been controlled by the power of the whites for so long, their independence was extremely unfamiliar to them, with their new emancipation.Since they were so uncertain, they debated about the most effect way to go about actually receiving the rights they deserved. They did not just want to be inferior Negros. Some African Americans thought the actual approach would be to go along with the submissive status the whites held them to, so they could earn their respect until fairness pervaded. Others were more wishful with their thinking and thought the military would make whites surrender and give blacks their basic rights. Those who were still they are thought that no progress would ever come.These blacks decided that it was essential to escape the shackles and cruel attitudes toward blacks. The civil war initially began to save the Union. At the start of the war slave masters were terribly scared that the slaves would r un to join the Union and help the war efforts. To subsidize the problem, most owner enforced harsh restrictions on their slaves. Some owners even moved their whole plantations inland to avoid any contact with the outside northerners. This did not stop the slaves one bit though, this just caused more slave to flee to the north. The slaves that did decide to stay just demanded more freedom from their masters.Some would say the ones that stayed even gained more power; this forced their masters to give them offerings in exchange for work. The issues of emancipation and military service were intertwined from almost the beginning of the war. News from Fort Sumter made African Americans rush to enlist in military units. They were all turned away since there was a law dating from 1792 that kept African Americans from joining the U. S. army. In Boston disappointed African Americans met and passed a resolution that requested the Government to modify its laws to permit them to enlist. Then Lin coln’s Second Confiscation Act was passed.The act stated that, Confederates who did not surrender with in sixty days of the acts passage were to be punished by having their slaves freed. The Militia Act was also passed. This act stated African Americans were allowed to fight in the war. These two acts together thoroughly punished rebel slaveholders. The African Americans that enlisted both fought in the front lines and worked behind the scenes labor jobs. All these rights that the African Americans were receiving inspired them to return home and free their families and friends. Some of them even started living in the plantations that they used to be slaves of.They took them over and began their own cropping. Some of the other plantations had been left to older disabled white woman, when the men had left for the Confederate army. All of this led to the separation of slave labor in the south After trying terribly hard to keep the issue of slavery out of the war, the North decid ed to start enlisting African Americans to help them fight in the war. The Fifty-Fourth regiment was created by the Union Army, and was the only all black unit. This Union in particular contributed to the war efforts of the North and showed a new found power among blacks.The regiment started when John Andrew sent a request to the secretary of war, Edwin Stanton, to create a volunteer regiment of African Americans (3). African Americans from all over the country joined. To help recruit even further they called for help from African American leaders like, Frederick Douglas and William Wells Brown. In just two months over one thousand African Americans, one from at least every state, had enlisted in the regiment. The leader of the regiment would not be black though, they wanted the superior officer to have some certain credentials.The job description posted read: â€Å"Young Man of Military Experience Of firm antislavery principles, ambitious, Superior to the vulgar contempt of color Having Faith in the capacity of colored men for military purpose†(2) The man picked for the job was Robert Shaw. The African American regiment and their captain set off for Beaufort, South Carolina on May 28, 1863 (1). They were to attack Fort Wagner, which was a vital key to Charleston. They only way to storm the fort was to go through loads and loads of Confederates. The sheer size of the Confederates to the Fifty- Fourth regiment was an obstacle in itself.The regiment knew the amount of obstacles they would have to overcome to achieve a victory and yet they kept marching. Shaw and a few men marched to the top of the parapet, and there Shaw was shot and killed. Though this was almost a complete disaster for the regiment they had set a path for future African American soldiers. Frederick Douglas said, â€Å"Once let the black man get upon his person the brass letter, U. S. , let him get an eagle on his button, and a musket on his shoulder and bullets in his pocket, there is no power on earth that can deny that he has earned the right to citizenship. One thousand seventy-nine African Americans had served in the Civil War. They served in both the U. S. Army and about two thousand served in the Navy. By the time the war was over, forty thousand had died in battle and thirty thousand had died of disease and infection. African American soldiers performed all the jobs needed to run an army. They also served as carpenters, chaplains, cooks, guards, laborers, nurses, scouts, spies, steamboat pilots, surgeons, and teamsters (4). There were nearly 80 black commissioned officers (4). Harriet Tubman was the most famous spy; she served for the 2nd South Carolina Volunteers.Tubman decided to help the Union Army because she wanted freedom for all of the people who were forced into slavery, not just the few she could help by herself. And she convinced many other brave African Americans to join her as spies, even at the risk of being hanged if they were caught (4). Am ong Harriet Tubman were many other African American women who served as nurses, spies and scouts. Although, no women were allowed to formally join the army. When black troops were captured by the confederate soldiers, they faced harsher punishments than the white troops.In 1863 the Confederate Congress threatened to punish officers of African American troops and enslave the African Americans, if they were captured. As a result of this, President Lincoln issued General Order 233, which threatened payback on Confederate prisoners of war, if they mistreated African American troops. This order did scare the Confederates a little, but African American soldiers were still treated harsher than whites. In one of the worst examples of this abuse, Confederate soldiers shot to death black Union soldiers, captures at Fort Pillow, TN, in 1864().Confederate General Nathan B. Forrest witnessed it all and did nothing to stop it. The President, Abraham Lincoln, issued the Emancipation Proclamation o n January 1, 1863. This proclamation eventually led to the freedom of all slaves. The document officially made free all bondsmen in the areas of the Confederacy that were still in rebellion. Slavery although was not abolished in the Border States, Tennessee, or the Union occupied areas of Louisiana and Virginia. The proclamation only affected the states in rebellion, so after the efforts it didn’t actually free any slaves.On the other hand, it did strengthen the Northern war efforts, because they knew they were fighting for a cause. Over five hundred thousand slaves had escaped to the North by the end of the civil war. Many of the escapees joined the Union Army, which tremendously increased its power. As a result of the Emancipation Proclamation, the thirteenth Amendment was created. The Amendment created on December 18, 1865, legally freed all slaves still in bondage. The final step the Emancipation Proclamation was to depress England and France from arriving to the war on t he side of the South.England and France wanted to enter the war on the South side, because the South had supplied them both with cotton and tobacco. England and Frances stance changed when they heard that the war had changed to a fight over slavery. Both nations were opposed to slavery, so ended up giving their support to the Union. That led to the winning of the fight for freedom. Juneteenth was the day created to celebrate the emancipation, when the slaves heard about it that midsummer. The holiday is still celebrated today. Abraham Lincoln said, â€Å"A house divided against itself cannot stand.I believe this government cannot endure permanently half-slave and half-free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved. I do not expect the house to fall, but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing or all the other. â€Å"(3) African Americans along with the rest of the Union were fighting for this freedom and equality that Abraham Lincoln, was talking abo ut. African American contributions were not limited to the role of working the fields in the south or supplying labor for industry in the north.Many African Americans in both south and north participated in either direct or supporting roles in the military. The War Between the States proved to be a war fought for democracy. The liberation that the slaves had been waiting for, recovered the ideas that founded the United States of America. All men were equal under the law. Since, the African Americans made such a persistent effort the changes were made more quickly. Africans pushed for their own emancipation by resisting their masters and other labor tasks.Although a formal Emancipation Proclamation and Thirteenth Amendment freed blacks in America, it would be a long time before they received all the rights they deserved. The minds of Americans had been so engrained with racism only decades of hard work would lessen this. Works Cited 1) Freeman, Elsie, Wynell Burroughs Schamel, and Je an West. â€Å"The Fight for Equal Rights: A Recruiting Poster for Black Soldiers in the Civil War. †Social Education 56, 2 (February 1992): 118-120. 2) â€Å"Blacks in the Civil War. †. Colorado College. Web. 3 Mar 2013.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Criminology and Terrorism
J. Paul BatraProfessor Barnes Research Paper Final due 4/19/10 April 1, 2010 Terrorism Introduction Terrorism is defined loosely based on the Latin word Terre, which means to frighten. To be considered an act of terrorism, which is a political crime, an act must carry with it the intent to disrupt and the change the government and should not be merely a common-law crime committed for greed or egotism. The discipline of economics has many concepts that are relevant to an understanding of terrorism  supply and demand  costs and benefits, etc. Fully-developed economic or econometric models of terrorism are quite rare, however, and often involve such things as â€Å"psychic†costs and benefits (Nyatepe-Coo 2004). More down-to-earth economic theories can be found in the literature on deterrence. Rational choice theory, in particular, has found a place in criminology, and holds that people will engage in crime after weighing the costs and benefits of their actions to arrive at a rational choice about motivation after perceiving that the chances of gain outweigh any possible punishment or loss. The second theory that can explain the motivation behind terrorism is the relative deprivation hypothesis which is the idea that as a person goes about choosing their values and interests, they compare what they have and don't have, as well as what they want or don't want, with real or imaginary others. The person then usually perceives a discrepancy between what is possible for them and what is possible for others, and reacts to it with anger or an inflamed sense of injustice. We should be advised that debates exist within criminology regarding relative deprivation and terrorism, on the one hand, with the anomie or strain tradition which finds causal influence in such objectivist factors as Gross Domestic Product, and on the other hand, with the left realist tradition which finds causal influence in subjective experiences of deprivation or discomfort Crime Characteristics of Terrorism: Terrorism is not new, and even though it has been used since the beginning of recorded history it can be relatively hard to define. Terrorism has been described variously as both a tactic and strategy; a crime and a holy duty; a justified reaction to oppression and an inexcusable abomination. Obviously, a lot depends on whose point of view is being represented. Terrorism has often been an effective tactic for the weaker side in a conflict. As an asymmetric form of conflict, it confers coercive power with many of the advantages of military force at a fraction of the cost. Due to the secretive nature and small size of terrorist organizations, they often offer opponents no clear organization to defend against or to deter. The United States Department of Defense defines terrorism as â€Å"the calculated use of unlawful violence or threat of unlawful violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological. †Within this definition, there are three key elementsâ€â€violence, fear, and intimidationâ€â€and each element produce terror in its victims. The FBI uses this: â€Å"Terrorism is the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives. †The U. S. Department of State defines â€Å"terrorism†to be â€Å"premeditated politically-motivated violence perpetrated against non-combatant targets by sub-national groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience. (International Terrorism and Security Research). Technological terrorism is defined as actions directed against infrastructure elements critically important for national security or committed with the use of especially hazardous technologies, technical means, and materials. In considering technological terrorism scenarios, the primary impact factors of such terrorist acts initiate secondary catastrophic processes with a significantly higher (tens and hundreds of times) level of secondary impact factors that affect the targets of the ttack, their personnel, the public, and the environment. (Nikolai A. Makhutov, Vitaly P. Petrov, and Dmitry O. Reznikov, Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Machine Sciences )Although what we don't know about the psychology of terrorism is more than what we do know, there have been several promising attempts to merge or combine psychology with sociology (and criminal justice) into what might be called terrorist profiling (Russell and Miller 1977; Bell 1982; Galvin 1983; Strentz 1988; Hudson 1999). This line of inquiry actually has a long history, and includes what rare studies exist of female terrorists. The earliest study (Russell and Miller 1977) found that the following people tend to join terrorist organizations: †¢ 22-25 years of age †¢ 80% male, with women in support roles †¢ 75-80% single †¢ 66% middle or upper class background †¢ 66% some college or graduate work †¢ 42% previous participation in working class advocacy groups †¢ 17% unemployed †¢ 18% strong religious beliefs IBLIOGRAPHY NOTE: Characteristics of Technological Terrorism Scenarios and Impact Factors* http://www. nap. edu/openbook. php? record_id=12490=53 The Economics theory of Rational Choice Theory as a theory of terrorism contends that these criminals usually come to believe their actions will be beneficial  to themselves, their community, or society  AND they must come to see that crime pays, or is at least a risk-free way to better their situatio n. Perhaps the most well-known version of this idea in criminology is routine activities theory (Cohen and Felson 1979), which postulates that three conditions must be present in order for a crime to occur: (1) suitable targets or victims who put themselves at risk; (2) the absence of capable guardians or police presence; and (3) motivated offenders or a pool of the unemployed and alienated. Other rational choice theories exist which delve further into models of decision making. In the few models of collective iolence that have found their way into criminology, the Olson hypothesis (source unknown) suggests that participants in revolutionary violence predicate their behavior on a rational cost-benefit calculus to pursue the best course of action given the social circumstances. Bibligraphy note: (THEORIES AND CAUSES OF TERRORISM) http://www. apsu. edu/oconnort/3400/3400lect02. htm) . As far as we know, most terrorists feel that they are doing nothing wrong when they kill and injure p eople. They seem to share a feature of the psychological condition known as antisocial personality disorder or psychopathic personality disorder, which is reflected by an absence of empathy for the suffering of others. However, they do not appear unstable or mentally ill for this. A common feature is a type of thinking such as â€Å"I am good and right. You are bad and wrong. † It is a very polarized thinking which allows them to distance themselves from opponents and makes it easier for them to kill people. It is not the same kind of simplistic thinking one would expect from someone with low intelligence or moral development. Most terrorists are of above average intelligence and have sophisticated ethical and moral development. A closed-minded certainty is a common feature of terrorist thinking. (Merari 1990). Relative Deprivation occurs where individuals or groups subjectively perceive themselves as unfairly disadvantaged over others perceived as having similar attributes and deserving similar rewards (their reference groups). It is in contrast with absolute deprivation, where biological health is impaired or where relative levels of wealth are compared based on objective differences – although it is often confused with the latter. Subjective experiences of deprivation are essential and, indeed, relative deprivation is more likely when the differences between two groups narrows so that comparisons can be easily made than where there are caste-like differences. The discontent arising from relative deprivation has been used to explain radical politics (whether of the left or the right), messianic religions, the rise of social movements, industrial disputes and the whole plethora of crime and deviance. The usual distinction made is that religious fervour or demand for political change are a collective response to relative deprivation whereas crime is an individualistic response. But this is certainly not true of many crimes – for example, smuggling, poaching or terrorism – which have a collective nature and a communal base and does not even allow for gang delinquency which is clearly a collective response. The connection is, therefore, largely under-theorized – a reflection of the separate development of the concept within the seemingly discrete disciplines of sociology of religion, political sociology and criminology. The use of relative deprivation in criminology is often conflated with Merton's anomie theory of crime and deviance and its development by Cloward and Ohlin, and there are discernible, although largely unexplored, parallels. Anomie theory involves a disparity between culturally induced aspirations (eg success in terms of the American Dream) and the opportunities to realise them. The parallel is clear: this is a subjective process wherein discontent is transmuted into crime. Furthermore, Merton in his classic 1938 article, ‘Social Structure and Anomie', clearly understands the relative nature of discontent explicitly criticising theories which link absolute deprivation to crime by pointing to poor countries with low crime rates in contrast to the wealthy United States with a comparatively high rate. But there are clear differences, in particular Mertonian anomie involves an inability to realise culturally induced notions of success. It does not involve comparisons between groups but individuals measuring themselves against a general goal. The fact that Merton, the major theorist of reference groups, did not fuse this with his theory of anomie is, as Runciman notes, very strange but probably reflects the particular American concern with ‘winners' and ‘losers' and the individualism of that culture. The empirical implications of this difference in emphasis are, however, significant: anomie theory would naturally predict the vast majority of crime to occur at the bottom of society amongst the ‘losers' but relative deprivation theory does not necessarily have this overwhelming class focus. For discontent can be felt anywhere in the class structure where people perceive their rewards as unfair compared to those with similar attributes. Thus crime would be more widespread although it would be conceded that discontent would be greatest amongst the socially excluded. The future integration of anomie and relative deprivation theory offers great promise in that relative deprivation offers a much more widespread notion of discontent and its emphasis on subjectivity insures against the tendency within anomie theory of merely measuring objective differences in equality (so called ‘strain' theory) whereas anomie theory, on its part, offers a wider structural perspective in terms of the crucial role of differential opportunity structures and firmly locates the dynamic of deprivation within capitalist society as a whole. To be completed: Application: Conclusion: Bibliography
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Feasibility Paper Essay Example
Feasibility Paper Essay Example Feasibility Paper Essay Feasibility Paper Essay Product/ Service Feasibility Analysis Being and feeling healthy has always been a major desire and while many people unreason ten Detentes AT Dealing inanely Ana not many nave Eden addle to Implement healthy habits into their daily lives. As technology has advanced and we have discovered more about diseases and disorders, we have also grown into the awareness that many of these are attributed to the food people eat and the environment they live in. Due to these discoveries a new trend of healthy eating and living has came about and this awareness has been spreading over the years among the population. A number of people definitely desire to enjoy life longevity and minimize their medical expenses. Unfortunately, not many businesses have responded to the demand of the population regarding healthy habits. The companies that have taken advantage of this trend have achieved to charge high prices, but limiting the segment of the population they can target Just to high income. This happens because many restaurants disregard using organic ingredients due to its slightly higher price and its least lasting life or conservation, thus limiting options for customers of choosing green organic food while relaxing in an environmentally friendly place. Green Addict offers to satisfy the need of the customers. Its products and services are unique and appealing to a large number of people who are health conscious. It is apparent that the consumers will get excited when they are served organic food in a cool and environmental-friendly restaurant. Green Addict takes advantage of an environmental trend of global warming and the publicity of environmental issues. Most people are aware of the dangers of genetically modified food and the carbon production. It is apparent that even small children are aware of the going green concerned because of the media publicity. Green Addicts idea of sing recycled materials is vital in the eye of the public who are already trying in their own level to reduce carbon emission. Green Addict therefore feels the environmental gap that is currently experienced in the market place. The introduction of products and services by Green Addict is timely because it comes at a time when almost everyone around the world is worried about global warming and are more willing to implement healthy habits. : Green Addict will be offering products that many consumers would want to buy because of the consciousness of helping to save the environment environment and staying healthy. Everyone asked about the importance of organic food has given a positive response. Offering organic meals and a healthy environmentally friendly experience will therefore lead to a competitive edge in the market thus increasing the chances of the business idea to be successful. Customers that are health and environmental-conservation conscious will even be willing to pay slightly higher price because of their understanding of the quality of products and services offered. The product design and services offered at Green Addict may have a challenge of obtaining raw material as well as other organic supplies because they are very limited and extremely expensive. Offering organic foodstuffs is very costly and the customers may not be willing to pay the higher cost of services. It is also likely that Green Addict may incorporate a few ingredients, which are not organic such as cheaper cooking oil that may contain food additive and chemicals that may turn away the consumers. Maintaining a purely green and organic product may therefore not easy to maintain unless the customers targeted are willing and able to pay for the higher costs associated with the product and services. We decided to see what reaction would University of Miami students would eave T Green Act winner to De opened Ana located close to ten coral Ga campus. We were able to interview 100 students in the library to whom we asked two questions. The first question said: How important is to you eating healthy in a scale from one to seven, one being not important at all and seven being it is very important? From 1 to 7, the average came to be a 5. 8; this number, tells us a lot about how important staying and eating healthy is to the University of Miami students. The second question was a simpler Yes/No asked given after providing the student with a brief explanation of what Green Addict had to offer. Would you be ailing to spend two to three dollars more in your meal if the food were to be hea lthy? Surprisingly, again we obtained a favorable number towards accepting Green Addict in the market. Approximately 74% of the students at the University of Miami would consider spending two to three dollars more in order to have a Green Addict meal. We can conclude that students at the University of Miami would have a positive attitude toward Green Addict if it were to be opened. 2. Industry/ Target Market Feasibility Analysis It is crucial to assess the overall appeal of the industry as well as the target market for the Green Addict. Industry/ Target Market feasibility analysis includes industry and target market attractiveness. The new venture Green Addict targets individuals of middle and high income, college educated residents, and family oriented zones because these communities are generally more interested in the benefits of eating natural and organic foods. For consumers who believe that there are not enough places to eat in Miami, Green Addict would satisfy and cater to their recycled, go green, and organic lifestyle. The restaurant and food services industry is expected to grow extensively by 2014 and cafes and restaurants represent almost over 50% of the vernal industry. The organic food demand is skyrocketing because of the increasing global population as well as the general migration from rural to urban that changes the lifestyle trend. It is undeniable that the eating habits are changing particularly amongst the middle class and the rich families as well as college students because of their healthy living awareness. The increased number of organic food campaigns plays an integral role in the great performance of organic food industry. Most people currently work in the offices and do not have time to prepare and eat organic food as including time to relax in their homes. Green Addict operates in an industry with many prospects because college students along with the rich and the middle class families will always want to have healthy food and relax in an environmentally friendly organization. Change in consumer preference positively affects the organic food industry. Most consumers prefer serving a healthy menu, which includes eating fresh organic, nutritious and low calorie food because of the healthiness, and the environmental friendliness linked with it. The organic food restaurant industry is a vapidly growing industry due to the rising health concerns with increased obesity awareness on top of other related diseases. Most restaurant menus are filled with organic foods and drinks because of the readily available market. Consumers in the high-income bracket are shifting their preferences to organic food and other related products that are served in an environmental friendly experience and that is exactly what the Green Addict offers. Although the industry is associated with expensive products, a large under AT roll Ana immune class populations cannot Ignore ten health benefits associated with the products. The target market, who are the middle class and the rich believe that the health benefits linked with organic foods and related experiences deserve the higher prices. It is therefore obvious that the organic food restaurant industry is still young and is rapidly growing thus providing numerous opportunities for the Green Addict. Currently, most people are beginning to be health conscious and are therefore willing to buy healthy food while enjoying similar experience. The industry is also early in the lifestyle due to the latest needs and campaigns regarding healthy living. However, the industry is fragmented cause only the middle and the rich class are only consumers capable of buying the costly products. The health conscious and environmentally conservative people believe that organic food products and green experience is a must have and therefore should not be avoided as much as possible. This segment of consumers is more concerned with their lives and environment than the price of the product. They think that there are no alternatives for healthy living and are ready to give it all Just to remain healthy. Presently, the industry is not crowded because of the higher costs and low operating margins involved. 3. Organizational Feasibility Analysis The need for sufficient management expertise, business competence and resources are crucial for the better performance of a business venture. In organizational feasibility analysis, management prowess and resource sufficiency are important as well. The Green Addict will satisfy the necessity of pleasant living including fresh air and organic food in a green self-sufficient environment thus making it differentiated from other restaurants in Miami. Green Addict will differentiate itself from its competitors by providing a healthy, CEO-friendly experience that is unique in the industry. This will be an important aspect of the organization as far as increasing its market share is concerned because it will appeal to the untapped but willing and able to buy market. Additionally, Green Addict will operate as a chain of restaurants thus leading to wider market coverage. It will operate in different geographical places hence creating place utility to various potential consumers in different positions. Moreover, Green Addict will focus on satisfying the customers wants, such as, offering a more intimate environment and simplifying the act of healthy eating thus satisfying the immediate needs of the consumers. The chain of restaurants will not let their consumers take home foodstuffs as their competitors like Whole Foods and Fresh Market do, instead they will make their own organic food that will be eaten right in the restaurant. Ambiance remains integral to the Green Addict unlike some of its fast food competitors such as, Eves and Jamb Juice, which do not pay attention to the environment. Management of Green Addict will serve its purpose appropriately because the team will carry what it takes to do its intended business venture. The chain of restaurants management comprises of the expounders who eave vast experience in various special fields. The expounders include Amy Fernando who is yoga, Palates and eating healthy addict who greatly understands the target market and therefore will enhance marketing and promotions. The other expounder is Nathalie Base who is expected to induce the experiences she gained Trot working In a restaurant Tort two conservative summer, as well as Mane Average who has served in a non-profit organization that provided crucial management techniques and skills. Finally, there is Daniel Buttock who has taken several nutrition courses at the University of Miami hence providing a great knowledge in providing he best organic nutrition. Green Addict will operate in an environmental friendly place that conforms the nature of business. However, there will be few suppliers of organic food to the organization because most suppliers supply food for home consumption and at a higher price, which may not earn much profit for the business. The industry is still growing and the fast food industry seems to enjoy a higher number of suppliers compared to the organic food industry. This may therefore force the Green Addict to have their own garden and grow some of their own organic food such as vegetables and fruit. Nevertheless, this may take place after long run and working at a higher scale. . Financial Feasibility Analysis Restaurant business has really been thriving in Miami with annual revenue of $2,000,000. By analyzing the purchase and a set of Restaurant start up and Feasibility spread sheets for various restaurants serving dinner and lunch, the total weekly sales may be $14,380 and maintain a steady rise in percentage of 5%. When weekly sales are multiplied by 52 weeks, the likely annual revenue will be around $1,000 ,000 during the peak sales in the first 5-7 years. This forecast incorporates both the peak and low season. Green Addict is planning to maintain their customers through distinctive quality services and products. The loyal customers will then help in marketing the restaurant resulting into recurring and increasing source of revenue. The revenues generated will be sufficient to cater for expenses and finance other internal projects that contribute in growth sustained. When the Green Addict venture utilizes the four As strategically, then it is definite that it will be successful. Green Addicts products and services are unique and are highly demanded. Green Addict should also utilize the social media and print media as well as leaflets promotions to boost their revenues. Social media is currently the most popular media especially Backbone and therefore its utilization may be useful in targeting the college students who form a bigger percentage of Backbone users. Moreover, the restaurant will provide services and products at various locations due to the environmental friendly surroundings that are associated with it. To prove the viability of Green Addict, a cash flow statement for the two first years is explained. The following cash flow is based on forecasting the first two years of the company, which are 2014 and 2015. It starts by calculating depreciation, dividing the initial cost by the useful life of the asset, the first year the company is estimated to spend around 100,000$ in equipment and furniture. Those assets are calculated to last for a period of 10 years. Finally we will get depreciation sums a total of 10,000$. For the next year, 201 5, we expect to spend in equipment 50,000, which will focus on expansion and quality control. As well as 2014, we expect that those assets last for 10 ears minimum, so the depreciation for 201 5 will be 5,000$. Then we calculate the decrease in account payable and the increase in account expenses. There is a Mullen amount In decrease AT account paddle as well as In Increase AT Inventory since is a new venture and also because the business is selling a service, where the product is sold right away and do not have people owing them. Furthermore, we calculate the decrease in inventory. We are expecting a sale of more the 500,000$ a year, and we calculate that our inventory for a year costs 100,000$.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Case study # An Invisible Superintendent Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
# An Invisible Superintendent - Case Study Example However, considering the busy schedule of the superintendent, Dr. Myer could have sought alternative options of communications. For instance provide written a submission of her proposal. The conduct of the superintendent may not be voluntary. Since acquiring his job, he has been provided with numerous tasks that may require more time that he has to attend to all his duties. For instance, he was appointed to the board of a local bank and local United Way (Lecture Notes, 2014, pp.6, Par 2). In this case, the professional conflict between the school and other working positions is created. As a board member, he is required to perform administrative duties in all these institutions. These acquaintances can be attributed to the behavior on being absent in his administrative post at the school. However, at one time the superintendent was attending to a family emergency, and Dr. Myers needed his presence at the school. His absence at work place is also caused by the conflict in his personal relationship and professional life. Dr. Myers was justified and appropriate. As a board member, she had the opportunity to inspire people of Placid Falls. She developed a project that would increase the significance of the school in the district. She was hopeful and accurate that the project would be successful. However, to her disappointment she could get the superintendent to approve of her proposal. Furthermore, she was dissatisfied that she was not provided with the opportunity to present the proposal to the board. For this reason, she was angered by the school administration to ignore the seriousness of the issue. However, she was in a position to push her proposal to the board through other channels. Additionally, she could seek legal guidance from her husband on the best way to handle the situation. The role of a head school administrator requires a person that may spend a lot of time at their work station. For this reason,
Saturday, November 2, 2019
The assassination John F. Kennedy Research Paper
The assassination John F. Kennedy - Research Paper Example F. Kennedy, though there are certain reliable evidences which point out to the action of a single assassin. The purpose of this paper is to analyze a murder-case of John F. Kennedy. First, it will highlight some biographical details about the president. Further, it will present the information about the assassination and the offender. Also, it will try to investigate the political goals behind the crime. John F. Kennedy was born on May 29, 1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts. He got a higher education at Harvard. After the graduation, Kennedy fought in a war having joined the U. S. Navy. In the period from 1947 to 1953 he served as a member of the U. S. House of Representatives from Massachusetts. In 1953 he worked as a senator for the same state (â€Å"John F. Kennedy†). While establishing the political career, he wrote a book about prominent senators named â€Å"Profiles in Courage†and was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for it in 1957. Then, in 1960 John F. Kennedy won the 35th presidential elections and became the youngest and the most favored President of the Unites States. He was also the first Roman Catholic to be chosen for this high post (â€Å"Life of John F. Kennedy†). During his presidency, J. F. Kennedy had to deal with several crises on the international level including the Cuban Missile Crisis and the creation of the Berlin Wall at the initiative of the Soviet Union leader which turned into the most powerful symbol of the Cold War. These events are often associated with the reasons of the President’s murder. However, John Kennedy accomplished great success in the U. S. foreign policy as well. His most remarkable achievements involve the Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty, the creation of Peace Crops and the Alliance for Progress with Latin America. He was also a great proponent of the Civil Rights Movement (â€Å"John F. Kennedy†). On November 21, 1963 John F. Kennedy went to Dallas, Texas, for the promotion of his election campaign. The next day, at around
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